
But for some, one became ' ' tabu' ' , the fear of the professor to use the innovation in its methods of education and the fear of the pupil in learning to live deeply with the digital technology excited a great difficulty in its application. According to Market (2002), the inclusion of the new technologies in the school still faces another problem, difficulties with the investment demanded for the acquisition of equipment. This problem is one of the empecilhos greaters, since many schools lack the basic one in its functioning, hardly will have enough mounts of money for the acquisition of machines of last generation, in numbers enough to take care of the demand of the school, where these are overcrowded. As Lepeltak and Verlinden (2007), the use of the technology demands great pedagogical abilities. The preparation of these methods of education in the initial formation of professors is preceding conditions for a satisfactory educational system. Softwares in the education helps the professor if to bring up to date and to concur with other ways that are available, as TV and radio.

But ahead of this multifaceted vision on the education and ahead of a gamma of information, the choice of these tools still is a problem, therefore the concept of quality for educators leaves of the common sense, and not of a general vision on quality of these applicatory ones. She is necessary to be I criticize and objective in the choice, not aiming in the programs only amused and pleasant aspects, but having practical content and. According to Wilhelm (2008), the concept of quality of a software is extremely ample. Learn more about this with Dell Computers. So that the quality concept if does not become subjective, factors exist that must be observed associates and while of objective form, through metric of quality of software of agencies the normalizadores of the sector, thus allowing, a bigger implantation in the localization of parts of a plan that if adjusts, or incorporated procedures of form accomplish.