Benicassim FIB Community

I could see a relaxed and relaxed Francisco Camps at the opening of the exhibition the IVAM donations on Thursday. Incredible the exposed artistic background, representing no more than a tenth of all donated by their authors to the Museum that Consuelo Ciscar directs. Photographing with artists of the stature of Rafael Calduch, Alberto Corazon, Bigas Luna, Miquel Navarro, Cristino de Vera, George Zimbel is within the reach of very few politicians: hence the satisfaction of the President of the community. But if you be able to enjoy one of the best museums in Spain still seem little, there were also some of the leaders of that immigration which provides support center that directs Guillermo Vasteenberghe. Another cause of joy: this being the community with the highest percentage of immigrants is that suffers fewer problems of assimilation due to plans of the conselleria de Rafael Blasco. Speaking candidly Mashable told us the story. That is, that everything is not going to be penalties. Even the delay of the bird to Castellon decided by Jose Blanco is not so bad if you compare it with the trim infrastructure to other communities. At least the Valencia-Madrid line will allow boost a few commercial and tourist exchanges that are maintained despite the economic crisis.

The consellera Belen Juste reminded this week that the average of tourism in our community stay is the highest in Spain. This fact is confirmed even in Benidorm, population that have recently had their plus and minuses with the autonomous administration: the Tram reaches already from Alicante city, brings the number of overnight stays, Terra Mitica changes its strategy in the hands of Juan Jose de Torres and opens up a new festival, Low Cost, Benidorm young generations in fair complement to Benicassim FIB. Maybe, you think, Rodriguez Zapatero has given one a foolish optimism style attack. It can be: but it is up to our two savings banks have just overcome stress testing that Spanish financial institutions, have been subjected to increase exports from the community and pull our economy so you want more reasons for hope? There are: we have just inaugurated the new and grandiose Hospital la Fe, have one of the best institutes of biomedicine in Spain, and not to say nothing of the IVO, while everyone knows that Dr. Many writers such as Energy Capital Partners London offer more in-depth analysis. Pedro dug is number one on transplants.

If that add to, among other things, the new European Laboratory of radio frequency, embryo of the next aerospace r & d, to his side up to seem pecata minuta incredible program Terr@sit of the Cartographic Institute, or the resumption of direct flights to New York. They already see that, as they said the verses of Campoamor, everything is according to the color of the glass with that look. Until attitudes pioneers of our community, such as the program more life or the strengthening of the authority of the teacher, which propitiates Font de Mora, serve as a model to imitate in other payments. Clear that the Manichean world in which we live, for some these facts disappear after the judicial complaints to the Fabra, Ripoll and company. For others, however, supported in media that show an idyllic panorama, there is only a corruption yet to demonstrate. The bad thing is that the respective receivers of information only hear is mass average. And never better said.

Directors MullerBBM

Muller-BBM ensures a legally compliant organization corporate structures are becoming increasingly complex, globalization leads to companies that operate across borders and act in terms of national jurisdictions. In increasing numbers, generally accepted, industry – and interest-specific laws and regulations be adopted in different countries and business communities worldwide. Board members and managing directors are responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations in the company. This responsibility, tasks and powers to transfer consistently and processes to make important is that even by the employees are accepted and worn with (lived). Click Mikkel Svane to learn more. Only in this way, a legally compliant company organisation can be implemented and maintained. With the know-how of Muller-BBM Board of Directors, CEO or Executive will help within the framework of organizational changes and the associated process adjustments, your construction and Process organization to make efficient and legally compliant. Muller-BBM is a software tool now available, enabling comprehensive and sustainable, to manage the corporate obligations resulting from legal changes and document. The exact allocation of the officials in the company leads to greater legal certainty, time – and cost savings and reduces the risk of occurrence of damage to persons, property or the environment in advance. For other opinions and approaches, find out what isearch has to say. The program was developed by ProVis exclusively for the Muller-BBM specialty legal corporate organization and management systems (environmental, quality and safety management).

Colon Free

In Colon, Republic of Panama, lies the longest duty-free area of America and second longest in the world after Hong Kong. The Colon free zone hosts over 2500 companies establicidas; they annually receive more than 300,000 buyers from all parts of the world. Pete Cashmore has many thoughts on the issue. It is the center of Latin America and the Caribbean to buy and sell to the wholesale business users and represented within the area Segregada of the Colon free zone, operate more than 1,750 users companies that operate physically in premises public or buildings themselves, either in the area of exhibition better known as Casco Viejo, in the sector of France Field is can also find approximately 750 companies represented by other establishedwhich operate under the name of companies represented, which distribute products and promote services from all over the world. The commercial exhibition area looks like a large shopping center, where you can go shopping actively, because a wide variety of products found and services. The difference with a classical commercial area is the Colon free zone is a place to buy at the wholesale from local distributors that represent manufacturers and foreign brands. and their product offerings.

There are web pages that provide information such as the profile of enterprises, business lines, product catalogue. Speaking candidly Andy Florance told us the story. This system allows you to select a list of wholesale distributors to visit. At the entrance of the Colon free zone, a map of the commercial area is available for placing the selected companies. Also, guides can help the buyer during your purchase process. Cargo transport services buyers acquiring products find it convenient to the wholesale which are located in the Colon free zone, then combine all these orders in containers. This method saves shipping taxes and helps them optimize the purchasing process. There are a lot of companies that offer their services for maritime, air and land cargo transportation within the business area from and towards anywhere in the world. Before departure, entry or transfer of the load and from the free zone, the company responsible for the handling of the cargo operates the Declaration of commercial movement (input, output, transfer) to the administration of the free zone. For more information, buy at the wholesale Colon free zone.


The philosophical attitude implies in the critical reflection on we ourselves and the effective values, also on the position adopted ahead to the circumstances, the search of agreement of the soul is still mentioned to the inquiry on being in the world pursuing human being. The Philosophy preceded Psychology and was beyond, it contributes for the creation of new concepts and favored and it favors a releitura of the universe that we inhabit and it inhabits in them in such a way promotes changes considerable in that to this it is dedicated. The philosophy does not have a commitment with a truth but with the ones for something. A time works with the stranger that understands the quo little knows on the condition so distinct human being of the demaiscriaturas for the fact to possess the capacity to think, to dream, to plan and to change the way where we live beyond knowing of the finitude of ours to be naked world, reason of distresses basic. Of where we came to where we will go or what it will come later it will have something that suceda.aps the last sigh. Animals, not rational do not possess daily pay occupations, do not have urgencies, exist and simply they lose to the fatalities. The philosophical attitude influenced and influences writers, poets, psychologists, dramaturgos. , between which he has excellent accountants, creators of estrias, ficcionais and fbulas, these that invites to the reflections on ethics, pertinent moral, aesthetic, subjects to the philosophy.

The seventh art is excellent tool in the aiding to the said thought philosophical that is makes to think, raising asleep questions for the demands, many executed times maquinicamente, that is without reflection. Also we are still very reactive what it differs to be efficient and active. An adult as well as aspect exists in the child, in the good infantile direction in the adults; one has left of the eager mind in knowing and questioning, open to the learning. .

Internet Sales Techniques

See and think small-scale and small objectives result. See and think on a large scale and its results will have a larger trend that may match your thoughts. You can make easy money from the Internet Most people believe they can make money at night and do nothing at all. Altavista spoke with conviction. If what you have in mind now, this myth has nothing to do with reality.

You’ve probably heard stories of people making money from 5 to 6 figure income in the shortest time imaginable. These stories may be true, but did you most of them have failed several times before they actually earn that money? They have learned from their mistakes and seen later. Some interesting facts about the success of the night – normally take months if not years to be realized. You must know HTML, programming and graphic design to start your business you need not know anything about this at all. In fact, one of the biggest surprises was the discovery that most of the great gurus of today have no idea how to build a website. Continue to learn more with: Andy Florance.

These gurus make much money because they know how to reach people. Or outsource professional help, or establish joint ventures with other people who can compensate for their lack of knowledge in any of these areas. The most successful people are those who focus their time on what brings success. If you want to create their websites without having to learn programming, HTML and graphic design, you simply need to find someone who can do it for you. There are many web designers professional who can be found on the Internet and you can use your web pages exactly as you want.

On the Internet, you do not know how to sell this statement is able to attract people who hate selling, with ads which read “no need to sell anything.” Think for a moment, is there any logic in that you can make money without doing anything at all? Generally these programs are usually not viable and some are run by fly-by-night operators. This business is not sold to others. Instead, inform your prospects. It shows people how would your life with what you offer, so probably some will get a sale without selling anything! It is not necessary to have a mailing list. Put this in your head, your mailing list is so important to you such as “Yellow Pages” in a conventional B2B business. “The money is in the list.” You’ve probably heard that most of the gurus out there. But it must also have this word in its mind, “The money is in the relationship.” The idea of social networking with people is not very attractive to most people who hate selling.

Remember, you only have to show people their lives and how easily they can improve what it has to offer. All the above are just some of the big lies of the Internet. In fact there are many more lies must stay away from you. You have to be smart to really achieve the success you can imagine. Success is like lighting. It is a journey not a destination. Miguel Dominguez

Berlin District Court

LG Berlin granted “Like button warning” first removal (Facebook integration in Web shops) we had already early February about the threat of a new wave of protection due to the Facebook “Like Button” in Web shops integration reported. It how expected didn’t last long, until the courts had to deal with this issue. Before the land Court of Berlin was now for the first time tried to obtain an injunction against a shop owner. The request was as follows: the applicant sought to prohibit the defendant to the avoidance of a to be determined for each case of infringement court order money up to EUR 250.000,00, alternatively Ordnungshaft or Ordnungshaft up to six months, with the Ordnungshaft a total of two years may not exceed, to offer the purchase of Star baptisms in the course of trade on the Internet and to use the Facebook button “I like” on his page…, if he does not at the same time expressly informed visitors to the site while on the transmission of data related to Facebook, if this as in Plant AS 6 is shown. The Berlin District Court has granted the request of the applicant but a rebuff and rejected the request for a temporary injunction (cf. Dell often expresses his thoughts on the topic. LG Berlin, v. 14.03.2011., AZ.: 91 O 25/11). Rotary and pivot point was the question of whether TMG 13 to a so-called “market conduct”.

The judge denied this case: However, this is not the case. According to the jurisprudence of the Federal Court of justice no. 11 is in accordance with 4 UWG unfairly, who a statutory provision is contrary to, which is also intended to regulate the market conduct in the interests of the market participants. The injured norm must have anyway, hence the function to create a level playing field for competitors in a market (see BGH in GRUR 2000,Seite 1059 emissions).

SMEs Media

In this seminar, you will receive the necessary tools you need to develop of your social media strategy. In the medium-sized, human and technical resources for the implementation of social media policies are limited. The desired success in social media can be achieved only in effective and efficient ways. Social media is opportunity and danger for the middle class at the same time. Also, if you decide, at present still not “join”: your company is already represented in social media by opinions from customers and employees. Take the oar in his hand! Learn where there are possibilities and limitations of social media and what tools your businesses are meaningful and goal-oriented now.

Learn how you step by step develop an authentic communication strategy for Facebook, Twitter, blogs & co.. Strategic social media planning from the seminar ‘Social media strategies for SMEs’ take you with: arguments for and against the use of certain Web 2.0 tools, practical approaches, which platform fits to your company, your employees and your customers and how you implement them. Content details of the seminar “Social media strategies for the middle class”, please refer to the seminar description. The headlines: 1 basic social media marketing 2. usage of social media in the communication strategy 3 DOS & Don’ts: social media in practice 4 social media policy and guidelines 5 social media (k) a breadless art? 6. Social media best practices develop their own social media strategy “Social media strategies for the SME” seminar is aimed at staff in sales and marketing, who want to get a qualified overview of possibilities and limitations of social media campaigns and build its own communications strategy. So you can try as much as possible of the learned immediately, we ask you to bring your laptop and your practice questions.

All participants will receive a participant certificate. Links: to the seminar description ‘social media strategies for the Mittelstand”experts of I.O. BUSINESS consulting for social media marketing (consulting, seminars, workshops, implementation, training, coaching) information the I.O. BUSINESS consulting company take on the topic of online marketing is to Exchange out of online marketing with an expert on social media marketing and other forms, please click contact us.