
It takes the quality of its interior to be effective. In this respect Manuel Barroso said: "Management does not start for the inner world of the manager, the management of non-contact with themselves, unaware of their needs and feelings, turns out to be not only ineffective but harmful." The quality of learning is strongly influenced by family background source managers. The quality of inner life and consciousness of one's own needs, you can not learn in college, or doing a management course, or self-help or personal growth. On the other hand, is learned in the family triangle in the life of contacts and experience in family. Born from the experience of being family.

No university or academy can provide the roots, identity, life contacts and links that I was denied my family, no one can teach or transfer your inner life. An effective manager, which is evident in their competence to make sound decisions, to move flexibly to the changing environment, relationships with others, assuming manage risks and uncertainty, empathy and respect others, solve problems, negotiate, and so on. is a product of learning maps (norms, values) and effectiveness behaviors we experience family, who settled since childhood, learned in everyday family life, through modeling and teaching parents and relational life with siblings. It is in the family context where the manager has learned to work together with father, mother and siblings to meet a domestic task, to handle and manage money in the household economy, resolve conflicts effectively amid disagreements with other family members to negotiate rewards and privileges with siblings and parents, as Mom and Dad experiencing trading, to prioritize personal and organizational goals as a family depending on the availability of resources (time spent by parents, information provided by parents and siblings, money, etc.), to overcome challenges and even in the midst of adverse family circumstances, to respect the boundaries and spaces parents and siblings and to recognize their own, to commit an effort to achieve the goals of a family that identifies and feels part, to communicate own needs or to recognize the needs of other family members.

The Partnership

The partnership is an assumption of enterprise concentration that by the way it is regulated in the general law of societies of the Peruvian state, thus in these assumptions we must apply this norm, and adems we do not have to put record that is an assumption of prdida enterprise concentration without of jurdica personality, thus it does not alter the name of the companies nor is created new companies either, but they are transitory unions. The partnership although it is certain can take advanced between societies, is not exclusive nor privative of the same, but it can be applicable to other types of companies like for example partnership of individual companies of limited responsibility, partnership of cooperatives, partnership of communal companies, partnership of industralists who exert the company under the form of natural people, among others assumptions, thus the range of possibilities increase, not slo in the Peruvian right, but tambin in the foreign right. Thus it is clear that slo within the club right must be studied east subject not, but tambin within the mercantile, agrarian, cooperative right, mainly. That is to say, tambin within other branches of the right like for example within the registry and notarial right mainly, among others branches of the right. Read more here: Samsung. 10. ASSOCIATION IN PARTICIPATION the association in participation is an assumption of enterprise concentration, which is regulated in Peruvian the general law of 1997 societies, which is effective, nevertheless, slo is not applied to the societies but tambin to other types of companies like example to associations in participation of individual companies of limited responsibility, associations in participation of cooperatives, associations in participacin of industralists who exert the company like natural people besides which they run or nonenrolled in pblicos registries in their registry of retailers. And adems the combined assumptions, for example associations in participation between cooperatives and individual companies of limited responsibility, or associations in participation between cooperatives and industralists who specifically carry out the enterprise activity like natural people besides which they run or nonenrolled in the registry of retailers of the pblico registry and within the mercantile registry. The association in participation is an associative contract which little is known in our means, nevertheless, it is regulated in Peruvian the general law of 1997 societies, which is Peruvian and it already has but of ten years of use, and by the way has had some legislative modifications..

Stay Marketing

As we all know, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and is logical that you must have in your Advisory Committee of Marketing to the best in the world. By the way also millionaires. About 7 years ago, Bill Gates ask a meeting in your home with these geniuses of Marketing to discuss a subject of one more than their companies ( This brand has become the strongest and the most successful in the field of e-mail with million active accounts. The question that Bill Gates made that morning to its consultants was: as achieve quickly that all person Active an account Email? The answer was: Viral Marketing. Viral Marketing includes any strategy that encourages individuals to transmit an advertising message to others, creating the conditions for the exponential growth of exposure and influence of the message. As viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication of recipients to reach thousands with the message or millions of recipients.

The classic example of Viral Marketing is strategy and It was simple: 1. distribute free Email addresses and services. Do 2 include under each message sent through Hotmail legend Get your private, free e-mail at recalls? 3 Stay on the lookout while the users of the service send mails to your network of friends and acquaintances. 4 The latter see the message, and 5. Open your own free Email accounts, and 6.

They return to begin the cycle spreading the Hotmail service in a more extensive than the initial network. I invite you to think virally, analyzes that you thing or that products you can again a viral marketing, as for example a malware book (it can give and invite others who gave it). Carlos Andres Gallego Marketing consultant Internet USA you can test a concept of very creative Viral Marketing, where anyone can display ads on other Web sites without investing anything, without spending a single dime using this technique I use Bill Gate, the Viral Marketing. You can see the Video that it explains everything: free book, such as building a Web site that band Original author and source of the article

Hans BitDefender

BitDefender discovers Office 2010 impersonator: Trojan.Downloader.Delf.RUJ ad – and spyware installed on foreign PCs Holzwickede, May 21, 2010 In June, long-awaited by many users, Microsoft Office 2010 will be available. Cybercriminals are now trying to take advantage of the euphoria among the users. To do this you send spam mails, which supposedly includes a beta version of the new Microsoft package as a zip file. Virus protection expert has registered as BitDefender (, the Trojan Downloader.Delf.RUJ hiding behind it however. The pest is out, on the compromised system to implement dangerous adware and spyware. Microsoft Office 2010, see action”with this enticing email subject the user be misled. The beta version is supposedly as a zip file in the annex.

Facts 5-by 5-star reviews”should also strengthen the credibility of the message and the authenticity of the beta version of supposed testers. After the user has extracted the zip file, the advertised exe file, appears whose name at the same time the product key should be. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Kai-Fu Lee on most websites. The BitDefender scan identified Trojan.Downloader.Delf.RUJ however a malicious software that infected the entire Windows platform within a few seconds. Investigates spyware sensitive user information for the Trojan was designed to inject large amounts of adware and spyware programs on the particular system. He installed in particular spyware, which searches for personal and financial information of the user on the infected PC. Also, in future the user is confronted with a mass of popup adverts.

Once installed, the Trojan creates immediately a copy of itself in the system folder”and accordingly modifies the registry file. This copy is performed at every Windows startup. Then he tries to access to a specific IP address, so a different malicious programs to connect to and download them. For more information see. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str.


11 of April of 2005.Ento my friend, I do not know nor as to say Although I to have science of its lack of limits, recognize that you are very sensible and taste of the form as you I present me vises. I am passing for a situation that never I imagined to pass. In my life, from the moment that I started to think about having a better future, always I looked for to make the certain things, therefore always I believed that the result our harvests comes of what previously we plant. Of luck that always I looked for to plant good things. Until the present moment, I am made an impression as God has blessed me, has had very work and has reached the return of this work It has one dictated that it says that behind a great man exists a great woman clearly that this dictated nowadays is half ' ' naftalina' ' , a little are of the time. It would serve nor me, therefore I do not know if it would apply to a man of 1.60m But the fact is that to my side, well-known I have a great woman A person with she made whom me to believe that I could change the ways of my life, one friend for who I got passionate myself has 7 years and that today she is my wife I always admired it, for its ethics, capacity of if worrying about the people, for always having been it a good son I remember that my grandmother spoke to me that a good son would have everything to be a good wife With much fight, we reach victories that nor we imagined. we marry we had an excellent moon of honey and continue our life However, what it admired in it, a passion with that if it delivered what it believed, was bothering me on way therefore the time all its concerns were with the work, the economies for the future when taking a walk already is so tired that nor it tans right, prefers to be in house There what it happens, she appears a charming, glad person, amused, that likes to leave and it admires that me of pile. . More info: technology investor.

Computer Security

Information security and the lack of a correct advice and tools Internet scams are cause that many people are victims of cyber scams, do not take the necessary security measures leaves us more vulnerable to be victims of fraud. Before we had to take care of that neighbor us steal, etc, must now take care also of the internet, advances in computer security sometimes aren’t enough to prevent fraud, and that cybercriminals are increasingly finding more ways to infiltrate your system to harm him or obtain your personal information. Fraud there are all kinds, there is a wide variety of forms of fraud and increasingly scammers are finding new ways to attack to his victims. Internet scams are those who are increasingly more profitable because these are more difficult to prevent them, identify them and stop them. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Mikkel Svane. In the offline world scams are already known and you already know how to prevent them (mostly) is why increasingly criminals choose to use delinternet to commit their fraud. Adequate information on the modalities of internet fraud can reduce the chances that we are a victim of a scam, although sometimes be informed is not enough also will need help of a buenantivirus for which it is recommended to purchase a full license of antivirus. Security has its costs, in addition to investing time to inform you about how to protect yourself from fraud you should also invest in a good antivirus, if at the moment you can not purchase a paid licence can download free unantivirus of panda anti-virus so that your not this unprotected computer. You will find more information about fraud in where we report various forms of fraud, people and companies scamming among other data and news also find safety items, computer, virus and antivirus source: press release sent by Amminadab.. (Source: charles koch).

Case Cellular

Devices of television also emit rays X, a still more dangerous radiation, and we do not hear to speak of problems. An only photon of rays X is enough to cause damages, to the step that nor all ftons of microwaves of the world would make the same (the amount of ftons received from the television falls with in the distance – for that is that the proximity of the device increases the risk). We go to assume that exactly thus the microwaves of the antennas of cellular make badly. Still thus, the amount of radiation received from the transmitter would be lesser of what that one that we receive when we attend a bag of pipocas to turn in our oven of microwaves. An exception: although the microwaves not to breach our molecules, them can enter in resonance with water molecules gifts in our body, esquentando it. But again in this in case that, our ovens of microwaves and light bulbs are much more ' ' perigosos' ' of what an antenna of cellular in the neighborhoods, for being much more next. Science works with experiments that can refute theories.

In the case of the radiations emitted for cellular telephones, studies epidemiologists are in progress to try to verify if the devices are really safe. We can foresee that the studies will conclude for the security of the same ones. Of the opposite, good part of the current physics and chemistry would have of being rejected of one alone time due to these studies. for the gigantic number of careful research carried through until the moment, the probability of good part of the current scientific knowledge to be wrong is lesser of what the probability of that this is plus a rumor. For only precaution, I only exaggerate of precaution left to dicar here. It looks for to use cellular the least possible time, at least science to even prove definitively that the waves do not bring problems. Although acretite that does not have problems. They do not leave children to use cellular therefore are in formation and it is not good for risking. Pregnate women must prevent the constant use of cellular, therefore not exite studies that says they can of problem or in this in case that, however it is not for giving porblemas but as it said is not pure excess of precaution. just in case we go to be displayed the least possible time with cellular on.

Publishing House

The InterRed GmbH and the digital mobile GmbH & co. KG to announce the conclusion of a strategic partnership. As InterRed solution partner, offers digital mobile the conception and implementation of projects with the content management and editorial system InterRed. As a customer the new media company was won Ulm mbH, whose magazines digital mobile a single multi solution implemented for multi-channel publishing. InterRed and digital mobile: strong partners the InterRed GmbH, as one of the leading technology providers in the areas of content management (CMS), content management system, multi channel publishing, knowledge management, and live reporting provides print and Web solutions for magazines or newspapers, corporate publishing, catalogs, Tablet and mobile. InterRed’s strong position in the market is experiencing by the know-how of digital mobile a more support. The digital mobile team includes concept developer, project manager and software developer trained specifically on InterRed. They accompany the customers from the first planning steps to the final implementation and take over for him the operation, the maintenance and the development of operating systems.

The two partners complement each other in multiple ways: for solution partner digital mobile available as digital agency firm, that the user distinguish ultimately between mobile, online and offline. You walk between the worlds and expect a more optimized and seamless user experience. Follow others, such as technology investor, and add to your knowledge base. InterRed pursued his concept multi channel one solution”also the approach that nowadays one is relevant: which channels it is, no matter be it print, online, tablet or mobile what ultimately counts is the probably most important asset in itself: the content. Successfully demonstrated the partnership of the two companies already in a joint project for the new media society Ulm mbH, after which the 100 employees strong Publishing House now the content management system InterRed among other things for the site and the print publication of the computer magazine com!”uses.

Niceto Alcala Zamora

In Mexico City he militated in the Republican left in Basque country. He was a founding member of the Ateneo Spanish Mexico. She was head of the Department of Extension University and Director of the University of Sonora magazine. At the University was Professor of art history and history of the theatre. In 1964, he returned to Tolosa, while her husband remains in Mexico until the death of the dictator. Guilarte had to live up to his death second exile or exile from the land of exile and part of his family. Already in Spain, he collaborated in the voice of Spain and in the Mexican newspaper Novedades. Next to a remarkable work in newspapers and magazines Guilarte has released an interesting work of literary creation.

His narrative production begins with a series of short novels, crazy and losers (1935), women (1935), cut the rose pink (1936) and the clear eyes of Ignacio (1936), which is consolidated in exile with the short novels journey of the heart (1942), the miracle of life (1942) and pride of caste (1942), but, above all, from his novel born in Spain (1944)Foreword by alvaro de Albornoz, head of Government Republican in exile, whose storyline has a lot of biographical, narrated with agile prose of journalism. With some resemblance argument was published in 1969, the novel anyone who killed you, that got the Eagles Prize, later appears the loneliness and its rivers (1975), in which plasma perfectly feminine type. In his theatrical production quote: against the dragon (1954), the trap (1958), with Foreword by Niceto Alcala Zamora, and the road and the cross (2001), drama of the Indian world. His favorite books were his historical studies, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. Robert Bakish understands that this is vital information. Clear in the jungle (1958) and Juana de Asbaje, Admiral (1970) nun. It is also necessary to emphasize the biography the father Hidalgo, Liberator (1958). Have been posthumously published dramatic trilogy (2001) and a boat loaded with (2001), compilation of articles and stories. And as said our first war correspondent: living learned life. Francisco Arias Solis Paz, want peace. New portal of For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet.

Managing Director Stefan Spork

We are absolutely sure: mounting system will continue the international success. Customers can rely on our mounts.” Set the philosophy the two managing directors Stefan Spork, engineer (MBA), and Andreas Knaup, certified merchant, consistently German engineering, a wide product range and clear concepts. Mounting stands for quality, service and delivery faithfulness values, which create confidence for quality-conscious customers system. The corporate culture is supported by fairness, efficiency and partnership. Mounting system on the international market have contributed to the establishment of the brand the use of high-quality materials such as for example aluminium, fully integrated production line and continuous quality control. Perhaps check out Michele Glaze for more information. The daily motivation of the team is there, system solutions and services in the in-house Engineering Department to develop, produce and deliver the customers. Rangsdorf and West Sacramento from staff send the products in more than 50 countries.

Mounting systems GmbH is one of the big ones in the photovoltaic and solar thermal industry. Just in this industry is the entrepreneurial success of Rangsdorf giving example. Innovation and internationality provide big opportunities in the market. So growth Prize CAI business the IHK Potsdam in the category mounting system in 2010. In 2011, we have given the company the quality award Berlin-Brandenburg.

“” Whether volunteering in the IHK General Assembly, the Chief chair exchange project with Brandenburg research institutions or the international business meeting of Green ventures “mounting systems GmbH is an important and reliable partner for us”, says Dr. Victor Stimming, President of the Industrie – und Handelskammer Potsdam. Since July, 2012, mounting system is one of the first manufacturers of solar mounting systems, whose load-bearing components as defined in Directive EN1090 (CE marking) are produced. In spring 2013, the TuV Rheinland, the locations of Rangsdorf and West has certified Sacramento according to ISO 9001. The responsibility for the manufacturers of frame counts the premise of Brandenburg in the world”. The company is rooted in regional and shows the clear commitment to the region in numerous actions. Until today, the Managing Director Stefan Spork and Andreas Kane have engaged very in the children’s and youth development such as the footballers and engage in living together in the town active. In addition to responsibility for a clean and sustainable energy supply, conducting business is mainly on the continuous development of the employees. The number of employees has risen steadily. Now, the company employs approximately 250 colleagues from nine Nations in four locations. Mounting system invests in the future of young people targeted training company. The future offspring will be in six different technical and commercial Qualified professions such as industrial clerk, draughtsman and dual studies in mechanical engineering (design and manufacture). Press requests mounting systems GmbH of Mittenwald str. 9a D 15834 rank village Lydia Hannemann Manager Public Relations Tel. + 49 (0) 33708 529-357 fax + 49 (0) 33708 529 199 mobile + 49 (0) 160 47 50 378