The Partnership

The partnership is an assumption of enterprise concentration that by the way it is regulated in the general law of societies of the Peruvian state, thus in these assumptions we must apply this norm, and adems we do not have to put record that is an assumption of prdida enterprise concentration without of jurdica personality, thus it does not alter the name of the companies nor is created new companies either, but they are transitory unions. The partnership although it is certain can take advanced between societies, is not exclusive nor privative of the same, but it can be applicable to other types of companies like for example partnership of individual companies of limited responsibility, partnership of cooperatives, partnership of communal companies, partnership of industralists who exert the company under the form of natural people, among others assumptions, thus the range of possibilities increase, not slo in the Peruvian right, but tambin in the foreign right. Thus it is clear that slo within the club right must be studied east subject not, but tambin within the mercantile, agrarian, cooperative right, mainly. That is to say, tambin within other branches of the right like for example within the registry and notarial right mainly, among others branches of the right. Read more here: Samsung. 10. ASSOCIATION IN PARTICIPATION the association in participation is an assumption of enterprise concentration, which is regulated in Peruvian the general law of 1997 societies, which is effective, nevertheless, slo is not applied to the societies but tambin to other types of companies like example to associations in participation of individual companies of limited responsibility, associations in participation of cooperatives, associations in participacin of industralists who exert the company like natural people besides which they run or nonenrolled in pblicos registries in their registry of retailers. And adems the combined assumptions, for example associations in participation between cooperatives and individual companies of limited responsibility, or associations in participation between cooperatives and industralists who specifically carry out the enterprise activity like natural people besides which they run or nonenrolled in the registry of retailers of the pblico registry and within the mercantile registry. The association in participation is an associative contract which little is known in our means, nevertheless, it is regulated in Peruvian the general law of 1997 societies, which is Peruvian and it already has but of ten years of use, and by the way has had some legislative modifications..