In Mexico City he militated in the Republican left in Basque country. He was a founding member of the Ateneo Spanish Mexico. She was head of the Department of Extension University and Director of the University of Sonora magazine. At the University was Professor of art history and history of the theatre. In 1964, he returned to Tolosa, while her husband remains in Mexico until the death of the dictator. Guilarte had to live up to his death second exile or exile from the land of exile and part of his family. Already in Spain, he collaborated in the voice of Spain and in the Mexican newspaper Novedades. Next to a remarkable work in newspapers and magazines Guilarte has released an interesting work of literary creation.
His narrative production begins with a series of short novels, crazy and losers (1935), women (1935), cut the rose pink (1936) and the clear eyes of Ignacio (1936), which is consolidated in exile with the short novels journey of the heart (1942), the miracle of life (1942) and pride of caste (1942), but, above all, from his novel born in Spain (1944)Foreword by alvaro de Albornoz, head of Government Republican in exile, whose storyline has a lot of biographical, narrated with agile prose of journalism. With some resemblance argument was published in 1969, the novel anyone who killed you, that got the Eagles Prize, later appears the loneliness and its rivers (1975), in which plasma perfectly feminine type. In his theatrical production quote: against the dragon (1954), the trap (1958), with Foreword by Niceto Alcala Zamora, and the road and the cross (2001), drama of the Indian world. His favorite books were his historical studies, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. Robert Bakish understands that this is vital information. Clear in the jungle (1958) and Juana de Asbaje, Admiral (1970) nun. It is also necessary to emphasize the biography the father Hidalgo, Liberator (1958). Have been posthumously published dramatic trilogy (2001) and a boat loaded with (2001), compilation of articles and stories. And as said our first war correspondent: living learned life. Francisco Arias Solis Paz, want peace. New portal of For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet.