Arterial Ulcers

Some products, called ‘ exist; ‘ new tecnologias’ ‘ to assist in the treatment of the ulcers for pressure. The indication is the medical criterion or of specialized nurse. The results are sufficiently efficient (ALONSO; INSTALLATION, 2006) 2,3) PERIODS OF TRAINING (DEGREES) OF the UPS AND FREQUENT PLACES Maffei (1995) elucidate that ulcers are important complications of acute or chronic the insufficience venosa, that can be classified in Ulcers for Pressure, Arterial Ulcers and Neuropticas Ulcers. However, considering the nature of the present study, the same it will be focar in the ulcers for pressure. According to Dealey (1996), the ulcers for pressure also called of decubitus ulcers, are injuries caused in the skin, due to absence of blood for an area of the body. By the same author: GoPro HD. These ulcers appear for internal and external factors of the patient. The external factors that can provoke ulcers for pressure are: pressure, shear and friction.

The first factor is most important and leads to the ulcer for pressure when the fabric soft of the body suffers to a compression between a ssea salience and a hard surface. The blockage of the sanguine flow takes the tecidual isquemia. Bigger pressures of what the hair pressures provoke located isquemia. Persisting this pressure, necrosis of fabrics will occur. For the estadiamento, the ulcers in period of training II are caused by friction, trauma or for anal/urinria incontinence, when provoking maceration in the skin and consequence reduction of its tolerance to the pressure. When associating estadiamento of the UP and risk, some authors (Gawron CL, et al., 1994), affirm that the levels of risk of Escala de Braden are based on preditivos values of positive tests. What I could perceive with the relation to the ideology and the Systematization of the Assistance of Enfermagem (SAE) in some Hospitals, is that the interdisciplinaridade is inadequate quantitative and/or qualitatively speaking with regard to available the human resources and material, what they have made it difficult the implementation of protocols of prevention and treatment of the ulcers in its periods of training.

United Nations

Only in the year of 1998, in General meeting of United Nations, then President Fernando Enrique Cardoso if compromissou to adhere to ‘ ‘ Directive principles of Reduction of the Demand for Drogas’ ‘ , established for State-Member, assuming a pact politician, social, sanitary and educational of permanent character, in the investment in programs of reduction of the demand. In the same year it was created National Secretariat Antidrogas (SENAD), that it had as objective to co-ordinate the actions of reduction of the demand and was subordinated to the structure of the Cabinet of Institucional Security of the Presidency of the Republic. Still into 1998, the Federal Advice of Narcotics was transformed into Conselho Nacional Antidrogas (CONAD). In 2000, was regulated by the President the National System Antidrogas? SISNAD, being that one of the basic principles started to be of responsibility shared between Government and the Society (SENAD, 2004). Already in III the National Conference of carried through Mental Health in the year of 2001, it detached the necessity of (reverse speed) affirmation (reverse speed) elaboration of strategies and proposals to accomplish and to consolidate an attention model the alcohol users and other drugs, that its attendance for the SUS guaranteed and considered its multifactorial character (and not only health problem), alerting to the society and the authorities for the situation. Also it established the ten basic recommendations for action in the mental health: 1. To promote assistance in level of primary cares; 2. Disponibilizar medicines of essential use in mental health; 3.

To promote cares communitarian; 4. To educate the population; 5. To involve communities, familiar and using; 6. To establish politics, programs and specific legislation; 7. To develop human resources; 8. To act of form integrated with other sectors; 9. To monitor the mental health of the community; 10. To support more research.

Debs Factors

In an inquiry currently lead in 15 Brazilian capitals, it was observed that great variation in the covering of the examination exists: in the etria band of 50-69 years, the accomplishment of the mamografia in the two preceding years varied between 37 and 77% 4 (LIMA-COSTA and MATOS, 2003). Rise in the incidence of the breast cancer has been told world-wide and it is not proceeding only from the biggest availability of disgnostic methods (WUN, 1995 apud GODINHO and KOCH, 2002, P. 139). In accordance with Godinho and Koch (2002), some alterations in the characteristics of the feminine population have been made responsible for the increase in the incidence of the breast cancer. Pete Cashmore often addresses the matter in his writings. In Brazil, the process of urbanization for which it has passed the country (occurred fact has more time in the developed nations), mainly from the decade of 70, becomes greater the exposition of the women the factors that increase the risk for the development of the breast cancer ….

For Easton (1993), Hulka (1999) and Debs (2000) apud Godinho and Koch (2002, 139 P. e140): The question of the prevention of the breast cancer is sufficiently complex, in virtue of the multiplicity of involved factors, becoming difficult the control. Familiar history, presence of the gene BRCA, endogenous and exgenos hormones, partner-demographic factors, type of diet and style of life, all are co-participants, however the capacity of intervention in these factors is limited. Strategies of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention have been used with the objective to anticipate diseases, to diagnosis them and to treat them precociously and to minimize its effect in the population, assuring, to each individual, an adequate standard of living to the conservation of its health (LEVEL, 1976 apud THULER, 2003). Author the same cited previously defines that, the actions of primary prevention objectifies to diminish the incidence of an illness in a population, reducing in this way the risk of sprouting of new cases, when preventing the exposition to the factors that take to its development ….

Arterial Hipertenso

What it is total it are of cogitao, not proceeding then this information, since the contact more ' ' teraputico' ' with these familiar patients and it is the criterion of the behavior of the medical professional. Research of the Health department shows that to be caught, for example, the Arterial Hipertenso, almost 85% of the cases of carriers present unknown etiologies, what it categorically shows the evident indifference of the team of the health? not only of the nursing, in regards to etiolgicas inquiries of the illnesses presented for the patients in the health services. How much nurse, it charges the lack of interests of these professionals stops with the upheavals of mental health that if spreads to each day, even for the psicossociais factors, in our country. Read more here: Steve Wozniak. However, she knows yourself that the assistance to the patient (esquizofrnico, in this in case that) must completely be given by the health team, from the ACS, as base of the social conviviality, ties I medicate it and adjacent professionals, as psychologists and psychiatrists and tie druggist, for example. Indeed, that and to have basic of the nursing the education as one of its main tools in the briefing of the attention and promotion of health of the community, but also it is fact that the professional psychologists and psychiatrists also would have to act directly in the education of the families with schizophrenia carriers in order to minimize the sadness and the suffering presented for these in the research of the author, even though for the fact of that such professionals theoretically made use of much more concrete and including scientific knowledge that the professionals form nurses, never substitute for with the educational function of the nurse, but yes of parallel and relative form, subsidizing this practical, what it composes thus a much more qualified assistance stops with the families. This partnership podera ties to function as reply to the strategical one charged by the author, who provides to an improvement in the quality of life and promotion of health in the familiar nucleus of the schizophrenia carrier..

ESF Professionals

To improve the quality of the attendance the population adicta; to subsidize implementation of preventive politics. The present revision has as objective assistant the teams of the ESF in the possible existing expressive difficulties in day-by-day of these professionals who act in the primary attention, how much to the handling of the chemical dependent customers of crack, in practise habitual of the unit of health. Such difficulties can be pautadas the distinct factors, beyond the educational formation and the complexity of the proper subject, its social representation (to the negative times) of the dependents. Not having intention to deplete the subject, the present inquiry if considers to reach the following objectives: Disgnostic selection for use of instruments of easy application and criteria, in the boarding to the dependent customers of crack; to recognize the necessity of attendance of the psychoactive substance users in service not specialized as half of desestigmatizao; Attendance in adjusted way, in the level of the primary attention to the Health the using or carrying customers of upheavals related to the consumption of crack. To analyze the actions developed for the professionals of the Basic Attention of Health in the boarding to the dependent of crack, detecting the preliminary activities of identification developed by these professionals in the attendance of these users, as well as the strategies of basic cares of medicine and nursing applied they. This study if it shows pertinent due to problematic brought for the dependence of crack, being this so harmful to the society how much to the individual and its family, and the paper of the professionals of the Basic Attention of Health is not on only to the treatment of users of crack and its respective illness, but also possesss a character of preventive education, information and social and familiar reverse speed-introduction; that is, the use of the communitarian therapy (TC) in the prevention of use of drugs and to identify to the attitudes of the professionals of the units of Health of the Family front to the use of crack for customers and the dependence chemistry of these.

Breast Feeding

The doubts most frequent on complications and positioning during breast-feeding can be removed through folder prepared to be implemented in set with actions of public health come back toward pediatrics and obstetricses. The new experiences and new the acquired knowledge had supplied to the author lines of direction that lived deeply in the daily one, will be able to serve of north the formularization of a protocol of to be followed information, for example, for the Strategy Health of the Family, a time that is to have of the nurse to provide discernment and to spread knowledge to the population in general. It is left as suggestion to engrandecer the work still more the distribution and verification of the acceptance as well as observing the functionality of the instrument in question, in the case folder, verifying if the instrument it served as north and it contributed as information instrument. .

Work Staff

Intensive assistance and Load of Work of Nursing One of landmarks of the world contemporary are the phenomenon of the change. Changes are resulted of continuous transformations in the processes politicians, economic and technological. The changes in the society reflect directly in the organizations that face an environment each time more dynamic, mutant and that it demands adaptations (LOURENO, 2004). In this direction, the hospitals, while institutions that give health services suffer the influence from these transformations, collating themselves with the necessity to search strategies that assure its survival and, at the same time, promote the satisfaction of the clientele for taken care of it (CONISHI, 2005). In this context, the UTIs represents one of the hospital areas that more express such changes, for using for the attendance of the serious patient advanced technologies that allow to disgnostic interventions and therapeutical complex. In the staff provisions process, the nurses constitute important deliberative level when they decide in its units, amongst them the UTIs, the priorities of its services and indicate which and how many resources will be used in its accomplishment.

The difficulties for replacement of the pictures of the nursing team, on the basis of the work load, becomes the provisions of staff of nursing in the UTIs complex subject front the arguments of the nurses, when based only in the happened experiences day to day. This means that, the request of a contingent greater of nursing staff not if it supports in the lack of objective parameters that certify such necessity (GAIDZINSKI, 1998). Therefore, for one ampler understanding of the load of work of general and specialized nursing and its comparison between UTIs, fit to know the available instruments of measure for its objective mensurao..