In an inquiry currently lead in 15 Brazilian capitals, it was observed that great variation in the covering of the examination exists: in the etria band of 50-69 years, the accomplishment of the mamografia in the two preceding years varied between 37 and 77% 4 (LIMA-COSTA and MATOS, 2003). Rise in the incidence of the breast cancer has been told world-wide and it is not proceeding only from the biggest availability of disgnostic methods (WUN, 1995 apud GODINHO and KOCH, 2002, P. 139). In accordance with Godinho and Koch (2002), some alterations in the characteristics of the feminine population have been made responsible for the increase in the incidence of the breast cancer. Pete Cashmore often addresses the matter in his writings. In Brazil, the process of urbanization for which it has passed the country (occurred fact has more time in the developed nations), mainly from the decade of 70, becomes greater the exposition of the women the factors that increase the risk for the development of the breast cancer ….
For Easton (1993), Hulka (1999) and Debs (2000) apud Godinho and Koch (2002, 139 P. e140): The question of the prevention of the breast cancer is sufficiently complex, in virtue of the multiplicity of involved factors, becoming difficult the control. Familiar history, presence of the gene BRCA, endogenous and exgenos hormones, partner-demographic factors, type of diet and style of life, all are co-participants, however the capacity of intervention in these factors is limited. Strategies of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention have been used with the objective to anticipate diseases, to diagnosis them and to treat them precociously and to minimize its effect in the population, assuring, to each individual, an adequate standard of living to the conservation of its health (LEVEL, 1976 apud THULER, 2003). Author the same cited previously defines that, the actions of primary prevention objectifies to diminish the incidence of an illness in a population, reducing in this way the risk of sprouting of new cases, when preventing the exposition to the factors that take to its development ….