They are resources that assist the deficient ones in its day-by-day, which guarantee a bigger autonomy to the individual, therefore it allows to have more accessibility and to carry through simple tasks as to cook, to be dressed, to feed themselves, to take bath without the aid of another person. Supports for domestic utensils, adapted bars of support, places setting and pertaining to school materials, are examples of Assistivas Technologies that assist in the practical life of the deficient one. Augmentative and alternative communication These resources are destined the people who possess problems of communication related to the lack of speak or with limitations of the same one. The used resources more are the specific plates of communication, vocalizadores or computers with softwares, which guarantees great efficiency to the communicative function. Resources of accessibility to the computer These resources are used to guarantee the person with deficiency the access to the computer, through the hardware and software that become this accessible tool. The entrance equipment is examples of resources of accessibility to the computer as the modified keyboards, the virtual keyboards with sweepings, mouses special and diverse activators, softwares of voice recognition, tips of head for light among others. As exit equipment we can cite: the synthesis of voice, monitors special, softwares reading of text (OCR), printers braile and line braile. Systems of environment control the systems of environment control guarantee to deficient a bigger autonomy, therefore they allow that it has controlled, by means of a remote control, electro-electronic devices, systems of security, among others mechanisms inside of its residence, office or the outskirts. Projects architectural for Englobam accessibility structural resources that facilitate the access and permanence of deficient people to the places where it frequents as its house, public environment of work, places among others. These projects architectural if relate to the slopes, adapted elevators, bathrooms, furniture parts among others adaptations that inside guarantee the functionality and the mobility of any environment.