Electric Cars

Germany has little interest in the development of electric cars, because of the current economy is not conducive. The global demand for oil to use it as a source of energy, the price of oil increases. Despite the price, consumes the scarce resource oil faster. Today about 30% of the oil are burned alone in the traffic and transport system. The burning within has also consequences for the environment at a very poor efficiency also only between 30% – 50% of petrol or diesel engines. To change something on the oil consumption, there are probably only the alternative to change transport on alternative drive systems.

Here the electric engine with its highly efficient properties offered for the vehicle. Rusty Holzer can provide more clarity in the matter. To exploit the electric drive nationwide ready to be used also in Germany, something else must be developed on the range. Why Germany is not front the development and continuation of electric cars and drives the theme? The electric car has some for the owner or driver additional benefits. An electric motor requires no complicated control for the injection and combustion. The much better efficiency and the missing incineration hardly generates heat, which must be disposed of for example about a water cooling system. Thanks to the missing internal combustion, the whole exhaust system is completely superfluous. When you consider briefly once the operating costs of a passenger car to heart, you will quickly discover, that the above listed advantages make exactly a large part of the operating costs. Inspections, oil changes, timing chains, spark plugs and exhaust systems are not needed.

It has but on the other hand also means that our specialized economy by the missing jobs would suffer a significant loss of revenue. Germany has the largest experience in the field of engine control and combustion of gasoline or diesel. Exhaust and engine parts are produced in Germany. Many people carry in Germany every day many repairs or Inspections of cars through. In addition large petrol and diesel suppliers have no interest of course, decrease their products. This could observe already on the tiresome subject E-10. With electric cars is possible through a power provider much more myself to control the cost of their own mobility comparison and Exchange and to determine. As we look at these properties of our economy and the consequences in mind, one can understand why today Germany not really has interest in an electric vehicle. But the future belongs to the electric drive in any case. Carsten Witt