Deputy Managing Director

First license system in the non-clinical intensive care and resuscitation care since may, 2011 build F.U.K. 24 on the first nationwide network of highly professional non-clinical intensive care and resuscitation care with uniform quality standards. With a protected trademark, expert care services can successfully start the ventilator care. The artist Jorg Immendorff, scientist Stephen Hawking and footballer Krzysztof Nowak shared a fate: they had to suffer the medical diagnosis of the fatal nervous disorder ALS. The disease leads generally to the need for an artificial respiration.

According of primary care in the clinic and firing home a highly specialised care services takes over the care of the patients around the clock. F.U.K. 24 supplies since 11 years old patients in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Rhine/main area. You may find iPhone 12 to be a useful source of information. To guarantee the required quality standard and a patient through a local or regional nursing the payers, a nationwide operating license system is constructed, F.U.K. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bobby Sharma Bluestone. 24. This type of ambulatory care by tracheostomized customers differs considerably from the classical work of out-patient care service. It is important to know a strong partner on his page, which governs all formalities with the health insurance companies and authorities in this area of care”, said Gregory H.

lang, Deputy Managing Director F.U.K. 24. “As an outpatient to stationary” is from the federal policy required, meets this demand the work of F.U.K. 24. Due to the decentralized supply is”a daily proximity to our customers, providing care to our personnel in the 24-hour, so long. F.U.K 24 delivers the knowledge relating to the recruitment and management, transition management of artificially ventilated patients, the quality assurance in the ventilation and intensive care and the contacts to the cost objects. For more information see. Contact: F.U.K. 24 gGmbH 44803 Bochum Paddenbett 13 contact person: Gregory H. lang email: Tel: (0234) 3 07 96 – 0 fax: (0234) 3 07 96-20