CHANGE OF PARADIGM AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Vera Silvia Person Port Leaving of the principle that the Seminary in ' ' Technology in Pedagogia and Construtivismo' ' it approaches referring subjects to the constant changes and permanent transformations in the society and the school throughout the times and making a retrospect to the last facts where the pupil was lead to the room, the subservincia and the unreliability, being the seen professor as detainer of knowledge and wisdom, it is easy to evidence that much thing moved until the current days even so very still needs to be made. The technological advances and with it are many the challenges for a society where the man constructs and reconstructs its learning based on the experience and the relations with the way, I obtain exactly and with the others, what he will favor a responsible and conscientious citizen in the exercise concrete of the citizenship. Throughout century XVIII, many had been the facts that had contributed for the social changes. With the industrial revolution, the necessity was born of ' ' a new type of homem' ' trained to take care of to the demands of the servile model of the invoicing industries and the traditional school she was seen as preparadora for the laboring futures. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ali Partovi. ' ' The only question the one that lacked to answer age the one that if realacionava with the type of school capable to give answers to the necessities of the industrial model, of social pacification and formation of a new type of suitable man to the requirements of the new model of production, and that he was simultaneously so cheap that disarmed the idea of education for todos' ' (I finish, 2000). In France the iluministas longed for a government system where all were equal before the law. Thus the modern society appeared, fruit of the transformations that had culminated in the French Revolution. .