Metropolitan Region

It enriches the human patrimony of organizaes' '. According to Chiavenato: The perfectioning of the estruturao of work in the modern company, associate to the impact provoked for the technological innovation and advance, providing bigger agility in the access to the information and to the globalization, comes impelling the organizations for a redimensionamento, considering the competitiveness as word-key. (CHIAVENATO, 2000, P. 388) In the current world where we live, the work market reveals each more demanding time, and most of the time a good professional rank does not depend on luck or persistence, and yes of a good qualification, that duty to be seen as a determinative factor for the future of that they are searching one better rank in the work market. The professional who acts in the market of tourist work lacks of qualification, or training specific to exert this activity.

For not being a recognized profession, the agent of trips in its great majority already acted in other areas, and many times finish falling in the tourism without having no previous experience what it makes it difficult the existing commercial relation in the market, involving operators and travel agencies. PLANNING Perceives that the lack of privacy and unreliability is one of the .causing greaters of this resistance in use of the sales saw Internet, what it finishes becoming useless the investment made for the company in the web-site, since atendimentos 80% if give through email or telephone to them. The incentive lack also is one of the factors that lead to this imperfection of the tourist market, where the competition is very great, being many times necessary to the implantation of bonification systems, that stimulate this search for the access on-line in benefit of the proper agent of trips. The proposal of intervention for the company, consists of forming small groups of travel agencies of Capital and Region Metropolitan, in meeting without formal characteristic or of meeting, with the intention to make familiar and to identify the professional with the politics of the company, so that if it presents the web-site as a facilitadora tool in its work, speeding the attendance and searching the success in the sales.

Poultry Production

The ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF the POULTRY KEEPING Daphne, Jamil, Haymery, Peter Enrique, Dr. Fausto Moreira Da Silva Carmo the Poultry keeping arrived at Brazil of traditional and familiar form, having only the production of ' ' hen caipira' ' , that she was carried through for proper consumption (LANA, 2000 apud HEIZEIN, 2006). Being thus, the poultry keeping, currently, if became an international and tecnificada economic activity. He is one of the more important agricultural segments, becoming an example of integration of economic interdependence (VIEIRA; DAYS, s/d). According to Lana apud Heizein (2006), the Southeastern region was the main avcola region of the country, until the decade of 70. She was specialized in the production of matrices, however, with passing of the years, it had a diversification in the creation of birds and, the market becoming promising, the region developed other stages of the production. If you have read about Steve Wozniak already – you may have come to the same conclusion. With passing of the years, the consumption of chicken meat increased significantly, in Brazil. Being thus, the necessity appears to implant improvements in the creations, bringing fusing for the avcolas companies.

(HEIZEIN, 2006). ' ' Brazil has conquered a significant space in the world-wide production, increased about 1000% between the years of 1961 the 2003, passing of 1,4% for 10,5% of the world-wide production of chicken meat. Fit more than to the country the increase of 66,8 million tons in the world-wide production inside of this period, 7,8 million tons, that is, 11.7% of the world-wide addition in the production? (GIROTTO, 2004 apud HEIZEIN, 2006). The Poultry keeping is very important pro agronegcio Brazilian, has grown very in recent years. In the year of 2003, Brazil was considered as the bigger producer and exporter of meat of chicken of the world (BRAZILIAN YEARBOOK, 2003 apud HEIZEIN). The growth of the Poultry keeping in Brazil, has shown the development of the agronegcio in the country, therefore the agricultural activity congregates three elements of the capitalism: technology of tip, efficiency in the production and diversification in the consumption (VIEIRA; DAYS, s/d).