Humanitarian Organizations

Marine Mirentxu 20m does not arrive sufficient humanitarian aid to the critical zone from Somalia, the south: lack money, personnel, is no central Government and exists armed conflict. Michele Glaze is actively involved in the matter. The basic foods are important, but also to contribute to the sustainability of the country helping to the farmers and cattle dealers of the zone. There are thousands of displaced, mainly to Kenya and Ethiopia, where there are fields of refugees; several NGO, the UN and other organizations work on the land. It reads the digital encounter with Alfonso Verd, of Doctors Without Borders. Many of the somales citizens who we see these days crossing the desert or in the fields of refugees of Kenya and Ethiopia no longer will return to appear in the photos.

Probably, because they will have died. United Nations, several NGO and, mainly, cooperators and informers in the Horn of Africa have been months alerting on a situation that, than more critical, is untenable. The most serious drought of last the 60 years in the zone already affects ten million people. And, according to that they know close by crisis, " evitado&quot could be had;. Now the objective is in helping; and express. The organizations try to make arrive water, foods, sanitary attention and monetary agricultural resources and to the affected zone more: the south of Somalia.

But it is not easy, because the rebellious militias of Al-Shabaab, ligatures to Al-Qaeda, had striped until two weeks ago the entrance of humanitarian aid. In fact, in the last hours there have been tension and denial about if this blockade is or noneffective. For that reason there is a many displaced – almost quarter of the population, of which million and they make average one it within the country. " Clave" in order to solve this, according to Intermn Oxfam (IO), he is " dinero". They do lack 1,000 million Euros and one immediate reaction of the international community, if no, " next the three months will be very duros" , it explains the spokeswoman of IO, Lara Contreras; it says it because the season of rains does not begin until October.

European Commissioner

Karel de Gutch thinks that Merkel and Sarkozy cannot decide alone the formulas to remove to Europe from the crisis. In order to calm to the markets, comisairo bet by " to dnder to the Euro at all costs and to put order in the budgets nacionales". The European commissioner of Commerce, Karel De Gucht, considers that the German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Nicholas Sarkozy cannot decide alone the formulas to remove to Europe from the crisis. In a published interview east Sunday in the digital edition of the flamenco newspaper Of Standaard, exministro Belgian of Exteriors thinks that the meeting that maintained Merkel and Sarkozy this week has solved nothing and must be interpreted like a simple putting common of its ideas facing the proposals that will do to the rest of European leaders. " Merkel and Sarkozy have not decided anything this semana" , it assured Gucht and it stressed that the prescriptions of the French-German axis do not constitute European proposals directly. Of Gucht it explains that the fact that France and Germany want to harmonize the tax of societies or to establish a true government economic in the zone of the Euro it is not enough so that these measures are approved, since they would require in addition deep adjustments in treaties.

" Perhaps Sarkozy tries to give the impression that it wants to think more about Europe, but does to its way, that is purely intergubernamental" , it maintained and it affirmed that one of the main weaknesses of Europe at this moment is that everybody behaves as if had decided something. Of Gucht one also talked about to the declarations of this week of the first president of impelling the European Commission and of the creation of the Euro, Jacques Delors, who considered that the European unique currency and the own communitarian project are in danger serious of extinction if urgent measures are not taken. " I understand that Delors is preocupado" , he indicated and he considered that very few which they know and they observe Europe are not worried. The commissioner considered that to calm to the markets it is necessary to extend the message that the EU will at all costs dnder the Euro and in addition to put order in the national budgets to avoid that is followed spending over which it is had. Source of the news: The European commissioner of commerce rejects that Germany and France decide by all the EU