Brazilian Elites

It exists natural a derecursos country that an incommensurable reserve possesss and an enormous potential of economic development; this pas Brazil. Although its population to be unprepared, continues with esperanasde better days. The use of the resources is not made of form equnime, noatendendo the demand proceeding from the disorganized demographic growth, frutodo indifference of the authorities and the recalcitrance of the Church in considering ways deconteno of the natality. > uneducated of the elites develops this processodesigual of distribution of the wealth. Instead of using the gotten profit socially, more resources exclusively in proveitoprprio sepreocupam in accumulating each time, objectifying to impress its pairs; it is what Thorstein Veblen in ‘ ‘ Ateoria of the classroom ociosa’ ‘ of 1904 it called ‘ ‘ consumption conspcuo’ ‘. Its ideological beliefs hinder the resolution of antigosproblemas as the high inflation, the unemployment and the scarcity of chances. Thus, the great population mass tends to survive socially using subterfgiosrepudiados, such as: clandestine abortions, emigration, prostitution and human traffic of drugs and agencies.

The Brazilian elites do not obtain to enxergar soluesviveis as the reduction of the working incubencies and tributaries, the reform Social dPrevidncia, the fall of the interests and flexibilizao of the working laws. We would have to follow the example of Korea, India, Russia, China and Chile queaumentaram its productivity by means of the Education, investment of capital and I dare of technology and not to continue feeding ‘ ‘ consumption conspcuo’ ‘ etolerando the shunting line of public resources in detriment of the social interest. Meanwhile it does not happen we continue insuflando the informal market and perdendomaterial human being in result of the migratory flow. Everything this has comoprincipal factor the uneducated of the Brazilian elites.

National Policy

This unchained the crescimentovertiginoso of crime aquisitiva7que reaches the fabric all social Carioca. This kept out of society army deviciados that enveredam for the world of the crime and that they provoke when surpreendidospela Military Policy in crime detected in the act, an incident of crisis with the taking derefm. Ademais, has those emotionally unbalanced citizens comunsque for the effect of drugs, that even though in ummomento of weakness, many times, only of emotional instability fazemalgum next to its social conviviality of hostage what proporcionala needs a reply threat, pautada in the gradual use of the force, of the legality of the ways of repressode agreement with the principles constitutional. The Military Policy Cariocadesenvolveu a brazilian doctrine of the use of the dog as sets less than letalcontra the causer of the crisis. The related Brazilian doctrine is used comsucesso in the RIO DE JANEIRO since 2006; if it differs from excessively for the world in reason of coentrar in the same surrounding that the PEC and the hostages. ' ' The doctrine that made possible the use deces as tool for resolution of ocorrnciascrticas is unknown in Brazil and it was created in the Military Policy of the State of the deJaneiro River (PMERJ), having as one of the inspiraesa technique used for Le RAID (Recherche, Assistance, Interventionet Dissuasion), Unit of the elite of the National Policy of France. The dadoutrina prominence is the technique developed in the CIPM Dogs queproporciona to the dogs the clear perception of (s) the person (s) that it must (m) serneutralizada (s), providing a bigger security to the involved ones in the crisis. In reason of the suaimportncia, this new doctrine desenvolvidaj started to be spread out for some Military Policies doBrasil and other international policies, being able to cite the Policy of SeguranPblica of Portugal (PSP) and proper Le RAID of the Frana.' ' (VALLE, 2009, p.11) In this meantime where it has a nicotomador of hostage, the national doctrine of the job of the intervention dog tticacomo solution of crisis occurrence is presented as the best alternativattica to neutralize temporarily the PEC.

Incorporeal Power

The ascension of a new regimen of accumulation of capital, supported for the technology of the information, is transforming the relations of being able. With the revolution in the technology of the information, the knowledge finally started to lead the force and the money in the equation of the power. In this dimension they are in crisis the State-Nation and the representative democracy. Through multilateral agreements, new relations of being able are institutionalized and implemented for multilateral agencies, under the rules of supranational mechanisms, that if place over the institucionalidade of the State-Nations, in representation of the interests of transnational actors with expansionistas ambitions. The national rules of the State-Nations are redefined as ' ' barreiras' ' to be knocked down, opening way to the supranational rules of the transnational corporative capitalism.

The electronic nets create a type of being able incorporeal that it does not respect nor it needs national borders; in contrast, these if had transformed in inconveniences for the transnational interests. The power politician, to formulate politics and to take decisions excellent is, today, institucionalmente located in supranational mechanisms. Of deliberated form, the ideology of the State is substituted by the ideology of the market, that demands the weakening of the public sector and privileges for the private sector. Also it has a trend for the globalization of the power of the civil society, that if it is organizing in nets of being able social and institucional, to exert its influence on questions generated from the sociocultural revolution: with regard to the human rights, the conservation of the natural resources, global justice, etc. However, in the level of the system national politician (formal), the generalized sensation is of that the representative democracy already is not enough for practical the democratic one because, in the globalizado corporative world, the ones that are elect do not decide and the ones that decide are not elect. In the present time, the more capitalist individual actors of the Planet are transnational corporations, that today represent the modern version of the monarchy absolutist.