NWA Network World Alliance

NWA distribution to Fatah – Distributor is in our team network as an important marketing tool in the field of direct sales has long been known and has become a term for very many people. A new network company, the NWA (Network World Alliance) has existed since May 2010. The founder of the company, Helmut Spikker, achieving real income which he rake of a unique marketing plan allows all interested new distribution partners. Aaron Dinin has plenty of information regarding this issue. This ingenious marketing plan allows a real income from the first sales, and after reaching certain levels can even has a company car are. Every interested party can get on the website who register for free by NWA and will receive all possible support, which is required for a start in this network business.

No costs are payable, except for the small amount of 9,90 euro for a starter package must be purchased. In this Starter Pack are all necessary documents, catalogues with the products of the respective Company and the current price lists. A unique small investment that pays for itself very quickly. In direct selling, Couture and others are offered high-quality products of from well-known manufacturers such as blue nature, NatuRe-vital, tex4net jeans, Pierre lang customers to purchase. The distributor company NWA Frohlich is represented on the Internet with an own NWA online shop. In this online shop are high-quality nutritional supplements, Aloe Vera products, different health products and especially the coveted APAs vital water filters sold. Sales of any affiliate who has joined NWA, can purchase these quality products for yourself, family or relatives to the very attractive purchase price. Each distributor of NWA is relatively fast able to build up a permanent additional income through the permanent word of mouth and the unique marketing plan. Also an attractive main income achieved with the low initial cost of only 9.90 euro for the starter package, with hard work and a determination, so that the cooperation as distributor for NWA practicing out of the previous main profession lapses can make.

Frank Rechsteiner

In these cases, the distribution is with acquired by employees, who are not targeted for demands sale trained and working in other functions. 3: needs an employee who wants to expel from the area of SAP products and services successfully what qualifications? Frank Rechsteiner: every modern seller must be equipped with powerful databases, more efficient software and modern selling methods. IT side a modern CRM system is essential; In addition, more and more companies use new sales opportunities, the social networks and offer communication forums such as blogs, on the Internet. “” The sales staff, it is important that they not only have the hard skills “, how have technology, industry and process expertise, that is of course, but also soft skills” have, so comprehensive social and communicative skills. 3: Why is the combination of these skills for the SAP sales essential? “Frank Rechsteiner: as the experience shows, the most sales calls in the IT – and SAP industry revolve around figures, data, facts”. So, the salesperson tries to convince the potential buyers with arguments which relate to the offered solutions or services. These arguments can be the simple implementation and integration into the existing system environment in the case of software; Moreover, their functionality, price and the financial and technical benefits arising from their use for the companies. As shown by the experience further, are however only about seven percent of the buying decisions of such hard”facts influenced.

Sure, one reason is that there are now lots of powerful solutions and services in the SAP market, which differ only slightly from each other. 3: What is decisive for the bulk of instead Financial statements? “Frank Rechsteiner: well over 90 per cent of financial statements are decisions from the gut”, so purely emotionally motivated. However, these emotional decisions subject to chance, but follow patterns, which the seller in the sales pitch can detect and exert a positive influence through targeted strategies of motivation and stimulate.

PR Media Kit

Free whitepaper: online PR media planning the new communication media of the Web 2.0 companies offer new opportunities for publicity. There has never been so many channels of communication on the company and product information can be published directly on the Internet. The new white paper of ADENION GmbH discusses strategic online PR planning of media to attract potential audiences with the right content and the right media. Strategic planning the analysis of the right communication interface of the own target groups should be at the beginning of every online PR media planning. The choice of media is determined by the industry and by the age of the target group. Only who knows where its customers are on the Internet and use what information media and communications channels, can select target the online PR media. Content development online-PR texts are created for people and machines.

The analysis of information needs and search behaviour of target groups, as well as the use of relevant keywords is important (Keywords). Just so, the contents of the search engines on the Internet can be found. Development of online PR Media Kit an online PR Media Kit tailored to the target groups serves the direct communication with the customer and search engine marketing. Online press releases or even social media releases, blogs, E-books, newsletter, podcasts, editorial posts, RSS feeds, webinars or white papers are important building blocks of online PR Media Kit. Numerous new media are publishing and distribution by PR content for the publication and distribution of PR content.

Press releases to be published directly through press portals and social communities. Article portals and expert forums provide space for articles, lectures and presentations. Corporate blogs give a personal touch to the company information. RSS directories and Twitter offer new possibilities, to news, to communicate press releases or articles in the form of short messages.