Proper Heating

(Online article) – pay attention: Raumfreuchte and temperature, the heating period is a time in which many elderly people with respiratory diseases have to fight. You can prevent this at home. In many households, too much is heated and ventilated too little. Under most conditions ISearch would agree. The consequences: High heating costs, thick air and sometimes even problems with mold. This can be avoided: regulate the room temperature as needed. Ideal temperatures are 20 degrees in living rooms, children’s rooms and 16 to 18 degrees in bedrooms. It saves 20 to 25 percent of heating costs, reducing the room temperature of 24 degrees to 20 degrees. Recently Ilan Ben Dov sought to clarify these questions.

Thick air and moisture distributes twice a day with wide open Windows to ventilate five to ten minutes. The rule is: as it is warmer outside, the longer must lifted are. You should close before the thermostatic valves. Constantly tipped Windows increase not only the heating costs, but also the risk of mold because the window jamb cools off. Especially, if they have problems with mold, residents should be buy a hygrometer for a few euros and often control the humidity.

Between 40% and 60% relative humidity are ideal. The value is higher: more air! The radiator should not be covered with panels, furniture or thick drapes. Only so the performance of the radiator can be fully provided. If furniture too close to the outer wall, there isn’t enough air and heat going. As a result in poorly insulated walls, condensation and mildew. Therefore you should keep at least ten centimeters distance. fn