The accompanying study on the AssCompact award 2011 – private pension provision is here! In the private pension system, the respondents agents see generally positive in the future. Just 5% of respondents brokers expect a deterioration in its business. Comparing the future expectations across all tiers, one observes little negative development assessments. The relatively good sales mood on the layer two products is also reflected in the current new customer business of intermediaries. e of information. While sales in layer one and three in comparison to the previous year remained largely constant, growth was achieved in layer two on average 30 on average 51 contracts. Criteria for the selection of a society speaks broker viewpoint especially for a company, if this offers a good quality price / performance ratio and a high product and tariff flexibility.
More excitement factors provide a high quality in the new business processing and high quality in the tariff and adoption policy. A knowledge the study is that a company with a good image alone among the mediators can not big score. Hygiene factors”are the quality of marketing materials and information, as well as the regional sales support through intermediary care under the criteria. All winners 2010 to 2011 their awards defend in the online survey the AssCompact Award took part after filtering a total 535 experts of private interest. This gave the survey about 30,000 individual entries for more than 222 product provider. The award winners in the fields of linked and classic insurance is the people welfare Federal. The places accounted for two and three both in the linked and the classic insurance Alliance and the Alte Leipziger Lebensversicherung. While largely constant results arise during the private pension products in comparison with the previous year, larger shifts in the scoring can be at the Government-sponsored pension products observed. Although can within the Riester pension three providers claiming top but this closer.