
The study of the landscape in Archaeology involves questescomplexas on the ways with that prehistoric groups, conscientiously ouno, had molded its social and cultural spaces, situations that involve umavariedade of processes in such a way related to the organization of this space how much asua modification in function of a diversity of intentions that incluemsubsistncia, questions of economic, social order, politics, cognitiva, symbolic or religious. Ali Partovi has firm opinions on the matter. It is coherent to affirm that the people perceive, classificame molds the surrounding landscape from symbolic processes that to podemestar entailed to the cultural traditions of the group, to the sentimental, memria attachment, to myths, while local of ancestral the e, qui, having comoreferncias sacred and profane borders (Knapp, 1999). The estimated ones of the Archaeology of the Landscape are marked, over all, for the use, of the geotecnologias (Cf.Morais, 1999, p.31). It has an inherent concern to this concept of utilizaodesses methods and techniques so that they identify the archaeological small farms (elugares) made use in the landscape and linked it, that is, desenvolvimentode integral systematic studies and of the archaeological register and the landscape (this last one understood not as a passive entity where they occur osprocessos social or as an to be explored resource, more as a construosocial), of dosassentamentos form to understand and to interpret the space distribution, occurrences, places of archaeological interest e, consequently, the possible uses of the space for former populations, in the queCriado Boado (1991, 1996, 2001), defined as a strategy of inquiry, identification and understanding of the archaeological register with sights to the archaeological reconstruopaisagens, as well as the processes of continuity and change queconstituram> current landscape. Thanks to the technological advances allies to the novasperspectivas of the archaeological research, much if have produced in direction dacompreenso of the landscape. In such a way, the Archaeology of the Landscape involves usode tools to multidiscipline, over all supplied for Geography eGeocincias in order to understand the ways for which the grupospr-descriptions had occupied and modified the landscape in function of its prticaseconmico-productive, social and cultural, in the same way understanding as aspessoas they had been influenced, motivated and restricted for it.