Greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced by 50% by 2050 from the 1990 level, warns UN. More information is housed here: Samsung. It is urgent to reach international agreements that avoid irreversible damage, but saturation media in climate issues, which seems to be fashionable, can numb the social conscience. Reduce the effects of air pollution is one of the great challenges of humanity. The overexploitation of resources, changes in temperature and the progressive warming of the planet merman ecosystems and cause the rapid extinction of some species. More than 30% of amphibians, 23 percent of mammals and 12% of birds are threatened, according to the latest global report on United Nations environment. Increases the size of the ecological footprint, a term that measures the impact of human activity on the environment. The amount of resources that the population consumes each year exceeds the capacity of the planet to generate raw materials due to an economic model raw materials where the maximum benefit at the expense of the overexploitation of natural resources.
Scientific reports envisaged an increase in temperatures by the melting of the glaciers that would elevate the level of the seas and intensify storms and droughts, causing mass migrations and millions of climate refugees. The World Health Organization (who) celebrated this year the health day under the slogan protect health from climate change. This poses a growing threat to the health of millions of people, because many of the most deadly diseases are sensitive to climatic conditions. Already perceived an increase in deaths from heat waves and diseases transmitted due to natural disasters. Some developing countries reduced the growth of their emissions during the past three decades. Its development policies include renewable energies to ensure the protection of the environment and to allow a clean breakthrough.