The Status Of Women Of Yesterday And Today

The status of women in the syro Mesopotamian area which is status of women in the pre-Christian period of the syro Mesopotamian area not clearly establish I believe that despite the available sources from the writings of the wedge. Reports from the period after the Arab conquest and the following Islamic rule are rare. But a lot can be seen also from the laws of the time. For example, the knowledge that the man was the unique landlord! Nevertheless, women not only as priestesses were known in pre-Christian times, but made it to also Queens are, like the Joe/Semiramis legendary Assyrian Queen (810 – 782 BC) and Zenubia Queen of Palmyra 1 (reg. 267-272). You may find Kai-Fu Lee to be a useful source of information. She managed to rule over the Roman province of Syria.

Others won by their social position and personal power, such as Surma (1883-1975), sister of the Patriarch of the Church of the East Mar Benyamin Shimun XXI. (1887-1918) and Mar Shimun XXII. Polos (1885-1920), especially in the first Decades of her nephew Mar Eshai Shimun XXIII (1908-1975) as a spokesperson who publicly appeared mountain Assyrians and was a member of a delegation of the Peace Conference of Versailles (1919-1920). Sandra Akmansoy may not feel the same. In UR, the royal consorts and the concubines of the summerischen Kings took great influence on the social life of your time. Sandra Akmansoy insists that this is the case. The en-Pristerinnen of Nanna clothed the most important cultic offices 2. The laws of summerischer and Babylonian times included also provisions and provisions concerning marriage and inheritance, as it is known. The status of women depended on however in the pre-Christian period, whether she brought children into the world. The marriage remained childless, the husband could divorce or take a concubine.

But the wife had children, a divorce was hardly possible. The law on divorce in Babylon was the women but also under certain conditions. In UR, was the woman not without rights, but in matters of marriage and divorce but without influence.

The New System MKK

The new system MKK – renewable means of payment Germany with the Deutsche mark, was already a difficult task, because even then, our economic system has been plagued by capital flight–companies that disappeared in low-wage countries, such as Greece at that time, for example, -. This indeed happened today in Europe and not only in Europe, but in all rich countries. A strong currency to the euro, was an attempt – to face an economic and financial globalization, what ultimately ended up in today’s disaster with the euro. Only individual entrepreneurs came back and went more and more. Major parts of domestic production plants were lost and millions of jobs, the Federal Republic of Germany had, yes – you can put it this way, full employment. Is the trend for years on the cheap wage nation China and she was slowly, but surely the most colossal economic power this planet. China had the cheapest workers of the world with the help of its dictatorial system, the size of the country and its population of billions, and the Western world and its capital – could increase its wealth on the backs of these people.

China has recognized the moment used, annexed the capitalism and amassed huge state assets and currencies from all over the world. Today nobody can pass more to China, all are in intractable dependence. This economy has offered his forehead without trouble and damage from the financial crisis and emerged stronger from it. The independence and political isolation have never harmed this country but made it more independent and strong. China with its modern slaves that millions who produced and stabilized today with free knowledge and techniques as well as Western Know Howe, that our entrepreneurs in the Empire brought the middle. Dynamic and constantly invested Western companies by name and rank in China. This unilateral economic globalization for the benefit of the giant Empire is irreversible at the existing social standards.