Plasma Screen

Many people, whose youth fell on the establishment of communism, mistakenly believe that any flat screen tv – it's always 'plasma'. But as you probably already know, this is not true. Under most conditions David S. Levine would agree. 'Buy only the LCD-TV', 'No, better plasma, it cooler '- so to anyone's opinion as to listen? In fact, so determined that you indeed need, the best option would be to analyze the pros and cons of lcd, and plasma. Plasma (PDP) TVs feature high brightness and contrast, excellent color depth, vibrant and natural picture, excellent color rendition and tono. They show excellent dynamic, in other words, after the moving objects on the screen remains "loops".

Sci-Fi Action Games, Adventure, and other dynamic movies look amazing. Shane Burcaw has compatible beliefs. Among the few drawbacks of plasma TVs should be noted, first of all, the high level of energy consumption. So, at the same size Diagonal screen plasma consumes 2 – 2,5 times more power than, say, television samsung. The main reason for this – high operating temperature, for the normal cooling of the plasma 37-inch uses 2 big fan (cooler), the noise of which can not sit back and watch on a low volume. Plasma screen fades with time. In other words, from year to year due to work at high temperatures Image Plasma tv is gradually losing its former richness, and color rendition, but according to official reports of the manufacturers can work up to ten years.

In that case, if you recently bought soundly camcorder that allows shooting in as hd (High Definition), then your choice is uniquely lcd tv, because plasma is characterized by low resolution. The main advantages of lcd TVs – is, of course, wide viewing angle. Even with almost parallel to the screen, you can see the image without significant distortion. Unlike plasma, lcd TVs are virtually no heat, and therefore consume much less energy. Moreover, using the lcd tv you can enjoy plenty of watching hdtv (high definition television), which will impress any of its realism and beauty. Now, what As for the cost. Today, lcd tv toshiba is a bit more expensive than Plasma counterparts with the same screen size. This is explained primarily by the fact that it is difficult to create the perfect lcd matrix of large size, respectively this technology in production – is very expensive.