Face Reading Customers

Kurt-Georg Scheible provides participants in a seminar, as they will quickly realize how them unknown people ‘tick’. What a guy”is my opposite? What is important to him and on what wire can I reach him? We face such questions in everyday life often when people meet for the first time professionally and privately. And often we wish us a kind of compass that helps us to assess other people then. Such as a seller, if we meet a potential new customers for the first time. Or as a business owner or human resources manager, if we have a first ruling in an interview about our opponent.

Or in our own time, if we want to win one for us. Such a help tool is called coating reading, where on the basis of immutable physical characteristics of people, their potential properties determine. How face reading works that can better judge of character by GesichterLesen interested people in the seminar” Learn the the training – and consultancy of ErfolgsCampus, Stuttgart/Frankfurt am Main, on the 10th of October in Oberursel near Frankfurt held. In the one-day seminar explains Kurt-Georg Scheible, the participants amongst the roots of face reading, the owner of ErfolgsCampus. Also, the author illustrates the book knowledge of human nature”(published Cornelsen Verlag Scriptor, August 2009) them on concrete examples, what information you can get about a person based on their body characteristics. Safa explains, in addition, indicate what personal qualities such as a distinctive Chin or the various wrinkles in the eye area of a person. It also shows the participants how they can train the intuitive capturing of people in everyday life. Read additional details here: Ilan Ben Dov. Furthermore he gives interpretations on the hand, that help them quickly identify: what kind of a me faces? Intensive SAFA arrives where the limits of face reading and what you should pay attention but also, to persons not to insert, from which there is no escape in drawers.

Participation in the seminar of better knowledge of human nature by GesichterLesen”costs 390 euro (+ VAT).