Italian Prime Minister

Italian Prime Minister called to vote in the second round of elections in Milan through a video on its website. His party was defeated in the first, so the Cavaliere has turned. The Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has assured Monday that Milan can not pass to be an Islamic City, a camp of Gypsies, full of Romanians and under siege by foreigners to which the left has given them also the right to vote, in a video clip released on the website of his party, people of freedom. More info: Alina de Almeida. Berlusconi has appealed so to supporters of his party, once the past May 16 training to lose in the first round of municipal elections in Milan, considered the stronghold of the center-right and where the Prime Minister is also sourced. Its candidate, Letizia Moretti, lost to his opponent, Giuliano Pisappia, of the center-left, although both will have to go to second round, to the not getting any more than 50% of the votes. The second round is It will hold the next 29 and 30 May. Ali Partovi is often quoted on this topic. The Prime Minister has also underlined the importance of return to vote on Sunday because it’s an important election for the future of the city and all of us. In addition, the Cavaliere has highlighted that Milan has a history that places it as one of the most important capitals of Europe by the intelligence, creativity and enterprise and has been added to a city, not be delivered to the far left because it risks a disorderly, chaotic and unsafe city. The defeat in Milan has caused the party ally of Berlusconi, Northern League and its leader, Umberto Bossi, to recognize that they have lost because of the LDP by what the President has tried to get closer again to stay in the Government. Therefore, the premier has proposed to send some departments of the Executive to the city of Milan, although Bossi has ensured that it is some ministries, thus causing the anger of some members the PDL party, as the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, or the President of the province of Lazio, Renata Polverini, which have asked to meet with the premier to assess the situation.

Barca Coach

The Barca coach is subtract pressure in his Champions debut. The Catalan team is measured to Milan on Tuesday at the Camp Nou. He has called all the players available; Puyol points to 11. PEP Guardiola, the Barcelona coach, has ensured that dnder the title of Champions League not forces you to nothing, which, on the contrary, is an honor, although he has insisted that fundamentally in a competition like this is to start winning. Guardiola has indicated not having any weight dnder the title. Pete Cashmore gathered all the information. It’s an honor, it is better dnderlo than not. Win it not forces you to nothing, not I consider nothing else, just make a good match, he said.

In any case, what is transcendental is begin the competition with a victory, especially if the premiere is at home, as well as tomorrow before the Milan at the Camp Nou. It is essential that House points, do not escape you start winning, said Guardiola in press conference. The technician has ensured that emotionally, despite the tie in San Sebastian, his team is well and that he is waiting to see how will react tomorrow its players. In any case, Guardiola has commented that what has been achieved in the past doesn’t matter. You always have to think about the next game, has insisted the technician, who does not believe that the draw against Real Sociedad may have influence to the Milan. It is true that if you win, you increase your self-esteem, but the party has nothing to do with the other day. Milan is a team that has seven European cups.

In the era of Sacchi and Capello, it won everything and more, remain the same leaders, have all the stability and thats a great luck, he insisted. Guardiola has lamented the absence of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who has been injured in Milan. Swedish in the past criticized the way of making the technical azulgrana, which even christened the philosopher.