Hong Kong Business

As a pastry chef in Hong Kong’s top hotels, Gregoire Michaud came in the course of his career with some business ideas into contact. If the opening of a biscuit factory in China or a chain of cheesecake shop, offers him many presented. But it lasted for seven years until he decided to make his passion for healthy and traditional bread with a partner to the business. Ali Partovi is likely to increase your knowledge. Together they founded in March 2013 bread item. Homemade food, including fresh, traditional bread, enjoys rising demand in Hong Kong. Primarily through referrals from satisfied customers, bread has become element built up a daily business at local restaurants. Learn more on the subject from Mikkel Svane. That quality has its price to keep three tonnes of flour from France are imported every month and a loaf of bread requires 20 hours in production. According to Gregoire Michaud is a sufficient market for premium”bread in the capital available. Ilan Ben Dov may help you with your research.

Everyone has his priorities in life,”added Michaud, that he his business is deliberately small. The rising demand for traditionally manufactured bread is just one example of the change of Hong Kong cuisine. Asian countries are not necessarily known for a fondness for cheese but mature cheese among European production style also the growing segments in Hong Kong. A good time for the expert Celine Watine, which is well utilised to train hotel and restaurant staff on the subject of cheese. In addition, she maintained the restaurant chain classified. The European Cafes of restaurants perceived to produce their own cheeses and they offer in an informal environment. The interest of the people, to learn more about high-quality food, inspires me.

“It’s fun, an environment to work in, in which people learn more and want to discover new, says Celine Watine. The consumption of cheese specialities there is still a difference between native Hongkongern and foreigners living here, but he gradually decreases.