Case Cellular

Devices of television also emit rays X, a still more dangerous radiation, and we do not hear to speak of problems. An only photon of rays X is enough to cause damages, to the step that nor all ftons of microwaves of the world would make the same (the amount of ftons received from the television falls with in the distance – for that is that the proximity of the device increases the risk). We go to assume that exactly thus the microwaves of the antennas of cellular make badly. Still thus, the amount of radiation received from the transmitter would be lesser of what that one that we receive when we attend a bag of pipocas to turn in our oven of microwaves. An exception: although the microwaves not to breach our molecules, them can enter in resonance with water molecules gifts in our body, esquentando it. But again in this in case that, our ovens of microwaves and light bulbs are much more ' ' perigosos' ' of what an antenna of cellular in the neighborhoods, for being much more next. Science works with experiments that can refute theories.

In the case of the radiations emitted for cellular telephones, studies epidemiologists are in progress to try to verify if the devices are really safe. We can foresee that the studies will conclude for the security of the same ones. Of the opposite, good part of the current physics and chemistry would have of being rejected of one alone time due to these studies. for the gigantic number of careful research carried through until the moment, the probability of good part of the current scientific knowledge to be wrong is lesser of what the probability of that this is plus a rumor. For only precaution, I only exaggerate of precaution left to dicar here. It looks for to use cellular the least possible time, at least science to even prove definitively that the waves do not bring problems. Although acretite that does not have problems. They do not leave children to use cellular therefore are in formation and it is not good for risking. Pregnate women must prevent the constant use of cellular, therefore not exite studies that says they can of problem or in this in case that, however it is not for giving porblemas but as it said is not pure excess of precaution. just in case we go to be displayed the least possible time with cellular on.


Test of the diapaso: The instrument vibrating is tested alternatingly in the two ears, for obliteration of one of them. The diapaso goes being moved away until the patient indicates that more she does not hear. Test of orelhinha: One has tested simple 48 hours done after the birth of the baby can detect if it has some auditory problem and to prevent problems in speaks and the learning of the child. The evaluation is fast, painless and important for all the life of the person. The examination is made in the nursery in natural sleep, of preference in 2 or 3 day of life Delay of 5 the 10 minutes, does not have any contraindication, it does not wake up nor bothers the baby it does not demand no type of invasive intervention (use of needles or any armor-piercing object) and is absolutely in-cuo.

The auditory selection is initially made through the examination of Emissions evoked acoustics (code 51.01.039-9 AMB). Generally after the diagnosis of conduction deafness, to patient is indicated removel of hindrance of the auditory pavilion, and in the cases most serious, the nervous deafness, use of auditory devices is indicated, being that it has exceptions that does not have as to treat. ECOLOCALIZAO DURN (2008, p.239) describes the ecolocalizao as an auto-information system, in which exactly animal one possesss an emitting agency and another receiver respectively to emit and to receive the signals, that can be the echo of the emitted signal. These animals have the capacity to catch the signal reflected for an obstacle, and thus to evaluate in the distance of the same. Figure 6 and 7 shows this characteristic. Still in accordance with DURN, the main characteristics of these animals are: Evolved mechanism to generate sounds (bats, cetceos and birds); Great space extension for its activities (swimming and flying); They consume its daily activity in more or less complete blackout.