Have you ever thought about why people, from enthusiasm to study any subject or course after a while they want him to quit? Why is reading a book, and before reaching the end of the page, people can not remember what has been written on this page? Why some people can not apply in my life that have studied at university or at work? Why do so many students do not hesitate to assert that "hate school"? If you are faced with at least one of these situations, you know the problems of education. In our modern world, the problem of illiteracy society is one of the major problems in the world. Hear other arguments on the topic with Pete Cashmore. Lack of qualified personnel causes considerable problems in economy. People can not get a job due to lack of knowledge and inability to assimilate. Errors and problems at work arise because of the incompetence of the people, and can lead to large financial losses. Parents can invest in the education of their children everything they have, and still not get the desired result.
All these problems have been carefully researched study by the American scientist and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. In the 60 years of 20 century, he developed a technology that allows to learn any subject. It's called technology education and is not a memorization technique, or "memorization" of the object. Technology training includes methods to cope with any problem learning that can occur in humans. It aims to ensure that any person could fully understand absolutely any subject and to apply learned in life. You can get acquainted with this technology on course "Guide to Basic Training", or enroll your child in the course "Learn to learn ', designed specifically for children, with lots of illustrations. An experienced instructor will see to it that the course was learned completely.