Coaching Thing

It enters those new opposed ways the traditional one, would be possible to emphasize the one to make/think always requesting approval or permission, or of the professor towards the student, coaching towards the trained one, etc. The Coach becomes a figure that does not speak from the pulpit, neither from the platform, nor from the vestibule, because it does not have anything to say, nor either nothing that to teach, but tries to question from the place of " no-verdad" or rather from topoi where the truth or the certainty is absent. In this sense, the Coaching speaks from irony of Scrates when it said this one that " it only knows that nada&quot does not know; but in totally different sense. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Viacom by clicking through. While Scrates makes to denounce the ignorance of the questioned one, of its student, of trained his; the Coaching nevertheless executes from the same origin an action opposed, that consists of elevating to the needed one training or knowing, to the Mount Olympus of autosabidura. The certain thing is that the ontological Coaching applies to knowledge or own techniques of the PNL (neurolingstica programming). Whose relation with the practiced method is clear, since coaching ontological works on three dominions or means: the language, the body and the emotion.

In such methodology, one treats to the language like a generative function, in contrast to the classic and traditional analysis of the language in as much " functor" merely descriptive. In such a way that the language is creative of realities (subjective) that can get to be objective. The distinction between the objective and the subjective thing is lost. The language of the linguistic sign like language of sema somatic (corporal) works like producers of subjetivizada reality. The language no longer then is considered like a tool of representation of the real thing, but like tool of production of the real thing. .

Urban Development Code

In different regions it varies. Viacom may not feel the same. So in the Republic of Tuva is limited to 25 years, whereas in the Lipetsk region under 30 years of age. But work on the legal framework – the most important direction in provision of state youth policy and its formation as an industry. Today, in 24 regions of Russia has decreased funding for expenditure "youth policy". In the 12 regions were disbanded independent units, which are engaged in the implementation of youth policies in the field. It is sad that among the latter, and entered the Lipetsk region, which explains the rather modest results in the implementation of major activities of state youth policy in the region. (For reference, 22 regions of Russia have been reconsidering, mainly for the benefit of scale and improve the level of the structure.) We must develop and adopt the draft Federal Law "On Amendments to the Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation" provides for the construction of housing estates and homes of their software infrastructure for youth according to standards, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. And in the regions to develop and adopt standards in minimum security youth regional and municipal agencies in the community, determining the dimensions available space and numbers of employees, as well as their establishment in accordance with the regulations. Build at the same time – not necessarily in the regions sufficient control of buildings, which could be convert. Thus, one of the priorities in the sphere of youth work is the availability of infrastructure for youth.

The Police

In just a couple of hours my life had gone adrift. -Don’t worry about added my boss-. We will give you compensation economic, and personally, I make this small gift, I hope you like, it is the latest in technology. I opened the package. It could not be.

A bathroom scale. Hit with she my boss throwing him unconscious on his desk. I left terrified of his Office. Once in the street I thought that he could not flee in my car, my boss me denunciaria as soon as you restoration knowledge and they would seek. It should be get another vehicle, so I went to a dealer. Once there I bought a small car, but fast and little striking.

I paid with my credit card entry. That would give me time to flee although police would discover the purchase. When I was preparing to leave with my new car dealer, the seller told me:-we have a special offer this month, make a gift by the purchase of a new car.Instantly it appears incredibly with a bathroom scale. Something exploded in my interior. I acelere trample the seller leaving him injured, and vows the huge glass that gave the outside giving me the leak. I acelere to panic, almost crazed dam Fund. In my hectic career I jumped me a semaphore and to avoid hitting a pedestrian who appeared ahead, di a volantazo that caused me empotrara in an appliance store. I traversed the showcase sweeping the shop and my car stopped. Something had pierced the windshield hitting my head. I couldn’t believe it, it was one bathroom scale. The police appeared shortly after. I had a trial and I declared destabilized emotionally, or crazy tie. Since he had not caused serious human damage, fortunately even to run seller, one minor in a psychiatric sanatorium sentence imposed me. The psychiatrist dealing with my case is a good man, has convinced me that there is no conspiracy with the bathroom scales, everything is in my head. Now working in a workshop with other patients. Like me, I am happy working, I feel useful to society, again integrated in it. We manufacture bathroom scales.