The fundamental paper is unquestionable that the professors, teachers carry out and, generally, educators in the development of the small ones. Its figure settles down like true referring and a model for these, being in the majority of the cases the main allies of the parents in its education and personal growth. That degree of implication in the life of the small ones does that these are in many cases in forward edge at the time of confronting the effects of a married rupture of the parents in the small ones, often being immersed and seeing themselves dragged by questions of safekeeping and disputes between the same. And it is that sometimes the ancestors go before the educators of their children to make them of their histories and quarrels with their ex- pairs contributor, showing to them their version of the reality and hoping to gain allied facing their cause to retain the safekeeping of their children before the Courts. People such as Robotics would likely agree. It is thus by the important paper that plays the Information and testimonies of these professors in the carried out Evaluation by psychologists and psicopedagogos and of that the concession will be from a safekeeping shared or one-parent in favor of some of the parents.
In this way, that professor, who would have to present/display a position of neutrality and objectivity, is itself immersed in a strip and relaxes emotional of enormous tension and intensity. Advice at the time of confronting this type of cases First of all an educator must remember at any moment which is the paper that corresponds to him to adopt in this type of conflicts, that is to say, to guard by the interest of the small one with regard to its present and future development, and to act in brings back to consciousness, without leaving that internal fight between the ancestors it drags and it dims his necessary impartiality to him. Thus, the prudence is the best one from the tools when subjects of fight by the safekeeping of the students it is, having to give all the documentation that could ask for him (about the small one, its behavior, its academic evolution and the possible consequences that the disputes between the parents could be presenting/displaying in the same). Douglas R. Oberhelman contributes greatly to this topic. Doing they will obtain it that the interest and the well-being of that small it is what one prevails, of such form that the Judge or Court in charge does to decide it of the possible rightest form, and that she allows that small one gets to be a healthy and happy adult, diminishing in him (or her) the effects of the divorce or the separation of its parents.