Switzerland Business

IBS intelligent business solutions GmbH at a press conference in Zurich presented Rieta de Soet, Managing Director of IBS GmbH together with Dr. Fabian de Soet the IBS franchise system. Once again, the management of IBS GmbH responds to the ever-growing requests from people who want to become self-employed with a business center headquartered in Zug/Switzerland. The IBS system, allows a self-employment the prospects with its established brand and business concept proven for more than 20 years with minimal risks. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Huseyn Abdulla. The advantages for franchisees are clearly obvious.

Franchisees receive a week-long intensive theoretical training and a one to two-month practical training at a business center in the Switzerland or abroad. This gives a quick start into their own independence with a well established brand and proven business concept. In addition, receives the franchisee a more than 300 pages of comprehensive franchise operating manual to the successful a business center. Business centers offer fully furnished offices and conference rooms which can be rented short – and long-term. Business Center have a perfect Office infrastructure with qualified personnel. In addition, the IBS Business Centre offer a customized phone service, back-office, marketing support, building sales organizations, management time, translations and interpreting services. Whether Office, representative office or sales office, IBS offers an optimal solution with an impressive cost-benefit ratio and a very personal and professional service, so Dr. Fabian de Soet.

GMC Global Management Consultants

GMC global management consultants AG expands up to Bangkok GMC AG, headquartered in Switzerland has for a joint venture with an Asian investor determined and can now serve their customers in Bangkok. Thus, the Board of directors Chairman of the GMC AG, Rieta de Soet, responded once more on the demands of the market and the needs of longtime customers. GMC offers companies support and consulting within the framework of the joint venture in Bangkok to fair conditions of incorporation, as well. In addition, private individuals, who so Rieta de Soet, who want to settle in Thailand. In this context the Thai joint venture partner offers a complete relocation service in all locations preferred by Europeans in Thailand. Also in the economic metropolis of Bangkok, a gateway to the Asian market, we will establish enormous creativity and professionalism in implementing the business goals of our customers”, so Rieta de Soet.

International Director of the GMC, Dr Fabian de Soet, will lead the joint venture negotiations and the training of local staff take over. The staff speak English, German and Thai by GMC. GMC global management consultants AG Dr. David Fischer Rieta Vanessa de Soet Baarerstrasse 94 CH-6300 Zug Tel: 0041 41 560 77 00 fax: 0041 41 560 77 01 Web: E-Mail: GMC AG is a consultancy company with a team of business managers, accountants and marketing consultants who have over 20 years of consulting experience.

Face Reading Customers

Kurt-Georg Scheible provides participants in a seminar, as they will quickly realize how them unknown people ‘tick’. What a guy”is my opposite? What is important to him and on what wire can I reach him? We face such questions in everyday life often when people meet for the first time professionally and privately. And often we wish us a kind of compass that helps us to assess other people then. Such as a seller, if we meet a potential new customers for the first time. Or as a business owner or human resources manager, if we have a first ruling in an interview about our opponent.

Or in our own time, if we want to win one for us. Such a help tool is called coating reading, where on the basis of immutable physical characteristics of people, their potential properties determine. How face reading works that can better judge of character by GesichterLesen interested people in the seminar” Learn the the training – and consultancy of ErfolgsCampus, Stuttgart/Frankfurt am Main, on the 10th of October in Oberursel near Frankfurt held. In the one-day seminar explains Kurt-Georg Scheible, the participants amongst the roots of face reading, the owner of ErfolgsCampus. Also, the author illustrates the book knowledge of human nature”(published Cornelsen Verlag Scriptor, August 2009) them on concrete examples, what information you can get about a person based on their body characteristics. Safa explains, in addition, indicate what personal qualities such as a distinctive Chin or the various wrinkles in the eye area of a person. It also shows the participants how they can train the intuitive capturing of people in everyday life. Read additional details here: Ilan Ben Dov. Furthermore he gives interpretations on the hand, that help them quickly identify: what kind of a me faces? Intensive SAFA arrives where the limits of face reading and what you should pay attention but also, to persons not to insert, from which there is no escape in drawers.

Participation in the seminar of better knowledge of human nature by GesichterLesen”costs 390 euro (+ VAT).

Payment GmbH

The GG payment GmbH provides secure payment methods which are themselves easily in your Internet shop can be integrated. We are the interface between dealers and customers, and settle the payment in the Internet. With GG payment GmbH, shop owners have always a reliable partner by the hand, which represents the interface with the payment in the Internet. By the same author: Ali Partovi. It doesn’t matter if they want to offer credit card clearing and electronic direct debit procedure on their shop, with the GG payment GmbH you make it easy and safe. Also put now on the experience and expertise of the GG payment GmbH, you trust our know-how in dealing with modern theme processes. The GG payment GmbH can be used soon in their company as an integral part of the corporate structure for the element. Swarmed by offers, Paul Daversa is currently assessing future choices.

It mattereth not to your customers as many billing methods to offer as possible, it depends on the billing systems to use with which the customer would like to pay. For your store, we can offer you over 32 national and international payment methods that your customers can use safely and easily. With the GG payment GmbH have a team on their side that knows perfectly what it is, let us together increase their sales on the Internet. The GG payment GmbH is a specialized service provider for billing with their customers. As an international service provider, the GG payment GmbH supports all payment methods, which are necessary for the success of your Internet-shops, such as credit card, bank transfer, ELV, or SEPA. Safe operations on the Internet for both sides, for both dealers and customers paid.

Would also pay only when a customer will feel secure when shopping. We manage the security for you and guarantee a smooth operation. Also we undertake risk management for you to increase your cash flow. You use the PCI level 1 certified gateway GG payment GmbH, trust to our experience and benefit from our expertise. The GG payment GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of secure payment systems on the Internet. Before connecting to our system, by which they Can reach customers all over the world and a way of payment can offer national as well as international clients will consult thoroughly by our friendly staff. What system modules for them are suitable can at any time our system has a modular design and products you can at any time change, or to order. No matter how big your business on the Internet is, with the GG payment GmbH, you have an experienced partner at your side who smoothly takes over the settlement for them. We offer a future-oriented solution that can grow with your needs for each request. Let us together which covers all your expectations find a package. Already, our base package includes all common payment method as you need for Germany. Can immediately pay your customers by credit card, bank transfer and direct debit schemes. Alone for the German-speaking countries, we offer 16 ways of payment.

Christian Horn Public Relations

By slight pressure or a rise in temperature (for example, by attempting to replace the seal brand with a hair dryer), these image elements are visible, so that an attempt of manipulation on the unit is immediately recognizable. Also high-quality packaged high-quality products (watches, jewelry, perfume, electronics, etc.) are secured with the new initial opening protection 3s sustainably. Combined protection against manipulations and counterfeiting which is protection against unauthorized opening but just one aspect of the OTF security label: Based on the forgery protection system SECUDATA 3 s color code microparticles in the security label for the identification of originals incorporated. These particles consist of melamine alkyd polymers and are manufactured in various sizes from eight micrometers (m). The backup with color code is invisible to the naked eye; to identify a standard Rod microscope is sufficient. The code consists of four to ten different layers, the are extremely heat – and chemical-resistant and as normal, ultraviolet or infrared colours are represented. The Microtechnology color code 3s is forgery-proof for over 15 years and is recognized as evidence in court. Every user of the OTF security label receives its unique micro color code, which serves as a unique proof of originality.

In addition UV or infrared marks can be implemented more security features such as 2D codes, variable data, serial numbers, security usability. The combination with technologies for tracing (for example, Datamatrix or RFID) is also possible. This aspect is becoming increasingly important, since traceability codes other than often claimed – offer no protection against counterfeiting. For a tamper-proof tracking, traceability – and micro colour codes are applied directly on the product or on its packaging. The micro-color code inventory control or Traceabilitycode and the product right safe from fakes are protected. So this makes OTF-security label for universal security of the entire goods and material flow. Active protection image of a company that offers new OTF security label strengthens not only protection from counterfeiting or tampering, but reinforces the image of a company as a guarantee of certified quality and high transparency. In the face of the worldwide activities of counterfeiting gangs reward traders like to trade consumers it is increasingly, if manufacturers are involved in the fight against the Pro-duktpiraterie and this also publicly communicate. Michael Dell takes a slightly different approach.

“For counterfeit protection is consumer protection”, so Rolf Simons, Managing Director of 3s Simons security systems GmbH. in view of the dangers posed by counterfeit products, the consumer can identify every product, the health and life depends on clearly as original. ” 3S Simons security systems GmbH the 3S Simons security systems GmbH is internationally renowned manufacturer of marking systems for the legally-compliant IP protection. On the basis of the world’s smallest Micro color codes SECUTAG has the company various industry developed solutions for comprehensive fraud protection. With those including products, spare and accessories, tools, medicines, cosmetics, textiles, sports and lifestyle articles, artworks, primary and secondary packaging, label, Cap brands, pallets, documents, certificates and goods economic data can be backed up. In addition, 3s security solutions with systems for traceability (E.g. Datamatrix, RFID) can be combined, so that the whole production and supply chain is fully protected against plagiarism.

Software Alliance

Combined investigations & observations led to the success! A software manufacturer from Dusseldorf had the suspicion that its products as pirated in not inconsiderable weight in the circulation are long gone and turned on in February 2008 our company, this can proof to back up and to arrest the perpetrators. Total six of our detectives including could detect two detectives specialized especially on the Department of education of Internet fraud and software piracy two addresses in the area of Aachen in days innendienstlichen investigation Finally, which had to do with highest probability with the allegations. Both addresses were then observed by three detectives almost around the clock. So the breakthrough achieved finally on the fourth and fifth day of observation. It managed to secure after all Visual evidence, that three residents at the two addresses people in rented rooms in an adjacent industrial zone jointly performed the actual software piracy and illegally copied discs then shipped by courier service to the customer. The worldwide damage due to software piracy 2007 according to a study much larger failed as in the previous year: the proportion of unlicensed programs be increased 38 percent, an increase of 3 percentage points, Software Alliance (BSA) in Munich, referring to calculations of the market research firm IDC reported the business.

The loss of revenue thus amounted to US$ 48 billion (plus $8 billion). Piracy have increased especially in the emerging markets. In the EU, however, the trend was declining. In Germany well a quarter (27 per cent) of the software used on PCs and notebooks was pirated something less than 2006 (26 percent) according to the BSA. The damage amounted to alone in Germany equivalent of 1.33 billion euros.