Best way is the student exchange for 2014 the skilful handling application phase begins with people of other races and culture is becoming increasingly important not only in the profession. The best opportunity to gain intercultural experiences, are there at a young age. The young Germans see this as: the school year abroad is sought after. The period for applications for the year 2014 will start in August. The offerings are varied and differ significantly in price and performance. Good neutral and professionally recognized information opportunities for help and orientation. At the beginning of the preparations for a year abroad are the choice of the target country, the language you can learn, and the Exchange organization.
In practice, it is often to determine that the students at the beginning have little concrete ideas. This starts with the question, when the alien in the school career fits. The ideal age for the student exchange is between 15 and 18 years of age. It has become more important since the reduction in school, at an early stage with the own School contact. Who asks to see quickly: even after the reduction in school is a whole school year abroad still well feasible. Important is the financial aspect; the cost differences are significant.
In Eastern Europe a year partly from 5,000 euros to have, while the United States from about 8,500 euros start. The other favorite targets of many students in Australia, Canada and New Zealand are significantly higher. The range of the Exchange organizations narrows with the purpose of the stay of abroad. For the professional care it’s, that the organisation is powerful, well acquainted with the special conditions and the school system in the country, and has reliable local partner. Who wants the next year abroad, should now begin deliberations. Reports of former exchange students give clues. In any case, you should lead discussions with multiple Exchange organizations. There are the SchulerAustausch measurement of the German Foundation for international understanding, the take place nationwide. The fairs include exhibitions and reviews, lectures, and information on scholarships. The admission is free. “Good books are” a year in the United States and around the world “(Garrett/Schill) and the travel” (troll), which Autoren are also speakers of the SchulerAustausch measuring. The places and dates of trade fairs, the reputable Exchange organizations as well as practical tips and reviews there are on the new SchulerAustausch Portal: