Diet And Lunar Cycle

Our ancestors believed that the need to live in harmony with nature. (Not to be confused with Ingrid Ellen!). And now and then a diet based on the lunar cycle is so popular among the people. 2-3 days is enough to cleanse the body and lose weight. New moon day is suitable for early days of unloading and short-term diets. Andy Florance pursues this goal as well. At this time, the fluid moves from the cells in the tissue. Eve of full moon is also suitable for the diet. For more information see Erika Weinthall. Beware the moon during its growth – grows tempted to risk score overweight.

Remember! During this period, limit yourself to a meal. Quarter Unloading diet lasts 36 hours (beginning at 18 o'clock on the eve of the new moon, complete at 6 am every other day). From the menu, vegetables (cooked, raw, steamed), vegetable broths and soups. Calculate your diet so that the meals were every 2.5-3 hours, but in small portions. Once a day you can afford chicken broth.

Vegetable soups have diuretic properties and the availability of food fibers hinder the development of feelings of hunger, detoxify the body and supply it with minerals. Of course, for more effective weight loss is desirable to confine stock, look at their health and Remember that diet should not turn into torture. The result: a weight loss of 1-2 kg. Contraindicated. People with metabolic disorders (diabetes). Before using the lunar diet should consult a doctor. Full moon duration of the diet 24 hours: beginning on the eve of the full moon, the completion of a day. From the menu, only the fluid: mineral water, fresh juices of seasonal fruits and vegetables. As a result, one day you can lose 1-1.5 lbs. However, this diet requires the preparation and smooth transition. 3 days prior to your diet diet should consist primarily of raw and cooked vegetables. Similarly, in the next 2 days after a diet. During this period, a vegetable can be added to the menu fresh pineapple (it is a diuretic and prevents the absorption of fat in the intestines).

Types of Massage

Types of massage are many and each has varying degrees of effectiveness. In recent years, the world is gaining popularity honey massage, and along with him very popular vacuum massage and facial massage with various creams. Generally speaking, the massage is divided into cosmetic, hygiene, sports and medical. Therapeutic massage is used to treat various illnesses, injuries, serious illnesses and so on. Robotics is likely to increase your knowledge. Here it is important not to overdo it – the wrong massage therapy can worsen a patient's health, and no one needs. In therapeutic massage is a testimony, and contraindications.

Sports massage can be called the younger brother therapeutic massage. There are two types of sports massage – restoring and preliminary. This type of massage used to restore the state of an athlete or to prepare it for competition. Hygienic Massage is most often done in the form of massage. It can be carried out in the bath, shower. It uses the basic massage techniques: effleurage, kneading, squeezing, kneading, vibration.

There is also a cosmetic massage – it is done mainly on the face and is used to prevent skin aging. In the massage there are various forms, for example, massage, self massage, local massage, paired massage and so on. If we divide massage systems (countries), then there can be distinguished Russian school of massage, Nordic School of Oriental and massage. Oriental massage differs from European in that it uses technology pedal (foot) massage. Russian, Swedish and Finnish systems of massage, to some extent similar to each other, since they are many years to learn from each other better, enabling them to continuously improve their technique.

Children, Life And Death

A child from the moment he is starting to realize and consciously interact with the world, gets out of it more and more information. He sees that surround it in something like him, are: – Children are the same as himself, who older, who are younger than him – adults (greater than with himself) people. Children – are different, and adults – they are also different. Among them are: – parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, old men and women. He was a child, sooner or later discovers that People are born and die.

What it is, it is not clear. ty in the matter. The only birth – it is accompanied by joy and merriment. And any death – that grief and suffering. For the child, the natural question: why do people die? His concern is particularly strong when they die its close relatives – the same grandparents. It’s believed that Mashable sees a great future in this idea. Adults him somehow explain it.

Fear of death, I think, a sign almost every child. In the minds of children laid that old people die. Old age – this disease, senility, bezsilie, suffering, pity, helplessness, many other things, and – death. same conclusion. Nobody wants to die! Nobody wants to grow old! Yes, I want to become an adult, so too tempting for a child, the adult life … For the entire existence of mankind, accumulated, popular belief that old age – is: – Pension J, illness, infirmity, bezsilie, helplessness, restlessness, disorder, not independence, dependence, doctors, medicines, hospitals, ambulances, … and eventually death. Supplements may be different in this list.


Disease "Itai Itai-'. The disease is characterized by the deformation of the skeleton with a marked decrease in growth, lumbar pain, painful events in the muscles of the legs, duck walk. Renal disease with the disease "Itai Itai," similar to those symptoms that occur in chronic occupational poisoning with cadmium. For the first time the disease was discovered in 1946 in women over 45 years in Fuhu in Japan. Cadmium in the body got to the rice grown on fields are irrigated with water from the river, with a high content of metal. You may find that Rapyd can contribute to your knowledge. Because the disease primarily affects women, who had multiple pregnancies and lactation, we believe that insufficient intake of Vitamin D and calcium in the body and the depletion of women during pregnancy are predisposing pathogenetic factors. Weekday is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

"Oil" of the disease when exposed to organochlorines. In 1968, the Japanese production Cleaning rice oil in a transformer oil fell. As a result of the use in food contaminated oil affected about two thousand people and 149 people died. The initial symptoms of the disease were excessive salivation, swelling of the upper eyelid, eel-like rash, increased activity of sebaceous glands, skin pigmentation, sweating, feeling of weakness. The disease is characterized by a general exhaustion, malaise, headache pain, difficulty breathing, often joined by an upper respiratory infection were noted numbness and pain in the extremities, reduced sensitivity, decreased or absent reflexes. In all cases pigmentation of the skin, mucous membranes, conjunctiva, large eel-like rash. The peculiarity of the oil of the disease – long-term course and recovering after a few years and complained of persistent headaches, numbness, general weakness.

In women who develop the disease SE Shaw, in many cases the children were born prematurely, sometimes dead, and with such dark skin, that they were called ("black baby"). Their weight was less than weight babies born to healthy mothers. The number of children with congenital malformations, gingivitis, diseases of the teeth, skin, lungs, impaired cognition, behavior problems, impaired intelligence and neuro-psychological delays razvitiya.Vtoroe mass poisoning, called Yu-Cheng, was on the island of Taiwan in 1979 from food grade rice oil contaminated with decomposed when heated organochlorines. Affecting more than two thousand people and infected women had children with symptoms of poisoning, which were manifested in abnormal liver function, increased mortality. Legionnaires' disease (Sin.legionellez). Just the other articles on the website directory of medical articles. One of the latest articles Diseases, which are the cause of unfavorable environmental factors

Infertility IVF

Despite significant progress in the development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for the last 20 years no less than half of patients required to complete more than one cycle of IVF to achieve a result – the birth of healthy child. The program "ECO – the child with the guarantee" was developed at the Center for Planning Rebnka to help single women and couples to reduce the financial risk and minimize the physical and psychological costs in the period to overcome infertility by IVF. In Russia, the program is being introduced into medical practice for the first time. Add to your understanding with Scott Rayden. A similar service in the world offers no more than a dozen reproduction clinics with the highest effectiveness of overcoming infertility. In this program, the fixed cost of IVF UNLIMITED known prior to treatment, and if no results plozhitelnogo overcome infertility get back money. Note: this program is a financial decision, and it only gives financial guarantees, but no guarantee of pregnancy and live birth.

The program "ECO – a child with a guarantee" gives patients an opportunity to pass unlimited number of IVF programs for a nominal fee in the amount of 395 000 rubles, without worrying that they may not have enough money for treatment. If the patient before reaching the age of 39 will not successfully delivery (the living child), the EDL will refund 100% of the amount paid. Participation in this program will minimize your financial risk because the cost of treating pre-recorded, and allows you to keep your money in case of failure. In a sense, it can be considered infertile couples as "insurance against failure of IVF." Furthermore it is known that over a third of pregnancies which occurred in reultate IVF, threatened miscarriage or end in stillbirth. We are fully aware of what psychological damage this tragic event may cause the patient to ensure the resumption of IVF cycles in the event of such failures. We offer this program in As an alternative financial solution for our patients. We encourage every patient being prepared for IVF, consider this opportunity carefully comparing the benefits of the program "ECO – the child with insurance," with traditional scheme of payment for IVF regardless of the outcome of treatment. No matter what decision you make, it does not affect on the quality of our program to overcome infertility.

Clinical Biochemistry

Most of the known methods require the simulation of CP possession fine surgical technique and difficult to implement in small animals. At the Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry, number 1 have developed a method of modeling CPs based on the joint use of two destructive agents – Triton X-100 and ethanol. Introduction to the pancreas (RV) Triton X-100, depending on the dose leads to the development of acute pancreatitis of varying severity – from infiltrative to gangrenous. The pathological process in this case is allowed in terms of up to 1 month, or a defect in recovery or death. When injected into the pancreas of experimental animals Triton X-100 followed by drinking water solution of ethanol develops following the morphological picture. Macroscopically, the pancreas increased slightly in size, anemic, uniformly dense, elastic consistency.

In all parts of the gland is diffusely growing light gray fibrous connective tissue with preservation of image slices and hardening of the fibrous capsule. Diffuse proliferation of connective tissue leads to a gradual disruption trophic acini and two destructive agents (Triton X-100 and ethanol) can not play a pathological process in the pancreas, close to their morphological features a picture of HP, which can be used for detailed study of the pathogenesis of this diagnosis of pancreatitis. Of course, in the first place stands a urine test for amylase content. It should be noted that the degree of pancreatitis can not be placed only on the severity of pain. In most cases, it does not meet ravzitiya stage of the process. Pancreatitis