It all depends on proper technique – how to properly use overhead transparencies! Do you know this situation? The work phase in the classroom has worked without any problems and the results on the overhead transparencies are content and thematically correct. Yet no right discussion come up at the talks and the motivation for the students to present the topic, flies slowly. Elon Musk often addresses the matter in his writings. Trigger for the problems of overhead slides is often the wrong handling of the illustrative material. Often the right rules are missing students, to create stimulating discus ions using overhead transparencies. Students follow these simple rules to create the overhead film and the subsequent presentation, the rest works almost alone: a brainstorming within your group perform before the caption of the overhead slide or jot down before on an anonymously, which is on the slide. Make sure that the content of your film on your topic really picks up and stay here not digress! Use a legible font size do not write to small. Note the uppercase and lowercase on the foil and use only uppercase letters, because all caps can be harder to read.
Set on a few, meaningful keywords for the overhead slide set you. Using a muted color to write and is a luminous, to underline important. Create the overhead clear and structured can slide it on the slide, for example, using a mind map or be done also by the numbering of the main points. Be sure to avoid spelling mistakes on the slide. Support and reinforced the statements on the overhead slide by a graphic or a photo.
Speaking when presenting the overhead slide slowly, clearly, and as free; a key word list is always fine! Do you already when preparing the future overhead slide and consider how you can make them answered. Power to build and install questions for the audience. As with all presentations is should the presentation with overheads the first commandment: the accuracy of the subject matter. Presentation means a presentation”and comes from the Latin. The possibility of providing overhead transparencies is you can represent with transparencies so that your day can be shows, better understood and well internalized. Task of an overhead slides presentation is in the essential issues easier to understand to make, to motivate and to stimulate discussions. Find other helpful products and articles at LEHRERkauf offers a wide selection of different inkjet film, copy laser films and printing films. Overhead transparencies for inkjet printers: inkjet films are ideal for school and the profession, crystal clear slides for impressive overhead presentations in color. Overhead transparencies of product properties: foil prints transparencies (ink printing slides, copying films, writing films), also in color for presentations, statistics, graphics. Overhead transparencies Description: A specially coated inkjet film (universal film) for the creation of professional presentation slides for teaching. Through the coating, the ink dries quickly and is immediately after printing smudge-proof. Bright bold colors are the result of the special coating. Also available with removable paper stripe on the short side. Online-shop LEHRERkauf educational materials for teachers, professors, and teaching others from the range: chalk holders chalk overheads inkjet films – print printer films – copying – ink printing films, films for their copiers, laser – or inkjet printer slide pins