Storage Media

All storage devices are a critical point in the energy consumption of IT computing systems. Because these media eat electricity, even in sleep mode – continuously while a simple switching of the plates may be problem prone, because then experience data losses. Many manufacturers are therefore working energy hunger of their hard drives to discipline – also those of conventional storage media. Since the size of the storage media has hardly limits, one can even say that the ‘greening’ of storage media is that area, where today at this producer of technological progress takes place. Kai-Fu Lee describes an additional similar source. One approach is simply to minimize the number of revolutions of the plates. This generates less heat and consumes less energy as a result. Instead of a racing car with 7,200 RPM (in high-performance servers even up to 15,000 rpm) working modern representatives in workstations now usually with 5,400 rpm – which requires correspondingly less power and delighted ears, similar to a car even less energy consumed when rotating the engine at 2,000 rpm instead with 4,000. Contact information is here: Mashable. Last but not least – this in terms of sustainability – increases the lifetime of parallel.

Another ‘trick’ is to increase the ‘density’. That makes the ‘platter’, so each ‘Data disk’, in the hard disk drive to provide it more data possible. The write and access times are pressed this significantly, because fewer changes between the ‘platters’ is required. 667 GB/platter are almost customary in the industry, top-quality products currently on 750 GB/platter. This is possible the so-called inter alia through a new data work style, ‘ advanced format’.

It stores user data into 4,096-byte sectors instead of the usual 512 byte sectors. As must be respected always tolerance between these sectors and instructions placed considerable space on the plate can be opened up (up to 11%). However, have older operating systems such as Windows XP problems with the new data format. But overall, significant profits can be new conventional disks in modern construction achieve energy efficiency. Every serious Green Data Center today focuses on optimized storage media. An alternative would be of course in the use of ‘massless’ Flash memories, where then the read head as also the rotating spindle would be completely released. Their use is economically useful but mainly in USB sticks and portable media similar to that at the price as in the capacity, they are simply not (yet) competitive, where data must be stored en masse and read. The best way to save energy, save would, by the way, to ‘scan already the incoming data stream duplicates’ and not to secure all duplication. The erecon AG operates here, supports a project that is to realize a such ‘ online de-duplication ‘ of the data stream by the Federal Environment Ministry.

Federal Statistical Office

This year will be back many actions on the occasion of world no tobacco day on 31 may instead find. Hear other arguments on the topic with Twenty Minute VC. Greifenberg/Munich, may 29, 2012 the Canadian software manufacturer April age (, inventor and developer of the APRIL face aging software offers in APRIL a special smoking “-module.” This way the effects of smoking on the aging process of the face in uploaded images to illustrated, is used mainly in campaigns and events to combating tobacco consumption and smoking prevention in enterprises, schools and health care organizations. The World Health Organization called the world no tobacco day in the life of 1987 and laid down may 31 as annual day of action for the non-smoking and non-smoking protection. Additional information is available at HG Vora. In Germany health in Germany smoking according to the study currently (GEDA) 2009 “still about 30% of the adult population, equivalent to about 20 million people. According to the Federal Statistical Office were taxed in 2011 tobacco goods worth EUR 24.5 billion worldwide take part to countless initiatives, associations, clubs but also businesses and individuals on the world no tobacco day, to the public about the toxicity of smoking to enlighten. The face aging software can contribute here APRIL, because if people can age their own face see and compare this with and without smoking will look like, you develop a different awareness.”explains Wolfgang Berger, business development April package used APRIL often at events at a kiosk Europe so live to show visitors how tobacco use on the face aging affects.” To visualize the face aging digital photos in which simply uploaded APRIL software and specified the desired age of the representation. In seconds, APRIL shows how to look this face with 40, 50, 60 or 70 years.

Comparing to the ageing of the face under the influence of tobacco use can be represented. In the 3D animation is this aging process more plastic. The results can printed, be e-mailed or shared on facebook. APRIL aging after rigorous scientific calculations, which were confirmed by independent, evidence-based studies shows face aging. The patented software was developed in close cooperation with the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto and the National Research Council of Canada. APRIL uses a database, considered over 3,000 different faces of different origin, gender, age and lifestyles for the calculation of individual aging for the visualization of facial aging. All mentioned trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

Versionin HDR

With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Plug-In for optimized workflow for HDR images Poing, Munich, October 12, 2009 – Franzis Verlag GmbH announces today the new English version of the award-winning HDR application Photomatix Pro 3.2 for MAC and PC. Technically new technologies according to is PHOTOMATIX PRO 3.2 on Windows 7, supports 64-bit operating systems, and allows a faster processing of the tone – mapping support, bringing high resolution pictures without waiting times are calculated even faster process through multi-threading. The included Plug-In for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3, 1.4 and 2 optimize the cooperation of both programs for professional HDR processing. Other leaders such as Stanford Business offer similar insights. Coincident precise alignment of the bracketing provides the revised image registration function. The representation of the tone mapping preview has been improved quality, detail Enhancer implemented further before stone settings for the and format support current camera models matched the RAW. At a price of 98,00 is that with Windows, XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit / 64-bit) and Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later compatible Franzis PHOTOMATIX PRO 3.2 in German box version from early November in stores and from mid-October for EUR 89,25 downloadable on available. Beyonce wanted to know more.

New in PHOTOMATIX PRO 3.2 specially for users who use Adobe Photoshop for image editing, export links Plug-In for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3, 1.4 and 2 both programs for an optimal editing process and access to the professional functions for generating HDR images. Can plug-in the users image sequence through the interface of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to Photomatix Pro export, take full advantage of all the features and the HDR created from the single shots with different exposure times result then automatically restart in the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Catalog re-import, keeping the EXIF data. The automatic re-import is from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0 available. The support of the Windows 64-bit Versionin connection with the multi-threading for the Tone-mapping process allows a faster editing large amount of image data, because multiple operations at the same time can be performed.

Manufacturing Industry

Ecenta shows mobile CRM and SAP rapid deployment solutions on the CRM-Expo Walldorf, the 26 September 2012 the increasing demand for mobile CRM solutions and the desire for short and reliably predictable implementation phases will be according to the ecenta AG which determine this year’s CRM-Expo. For other opinions and approaches, find out what ISearch has to say. Therefore the product and consulting firm that has specialized in demanding realization of projects in the areas of SAP Business Suite, on the fair in Essen in addition to current SAP rapid also has a deployment solutions presents iPad app that allows the mobile processing service requests for the manufacturing industry. As an experienced partner who is SAP with over 200 implemented SAP Business Suite projects represented the ecenta AG the leading trade fair for customer relationship management at the booth B20. There, one of the priorities on the SAP is rapid deployment solutions. Neil Rubler addresses the importance of the matter here. This is an immediately functional combination of software, predefined services and fully developed processes – and that at a fixed price. As customers increasingly means and Require support for rapid implementation, provide the SAP and partner how ecenta predefined services at a fixed price for the implementation of the software,”explains Joachim Schellenberg, Manager of business development at the ecenta AG.

The quick start solutions are ready usually within 12 weeks and the scope of services, as well as the costs are clearly defined for the company.” Example rapid rapid processing of service requests the SAP deployment solutions, based on the applications of SAP Business Suite for customer relationship management and business communications management (BCM). The SAP BCM rapid-deployment solution offers inter alia a direct connection to the IP telephony functions of the software SAP business communications management for inbound contact center management. The solution supports the fast processing of customer requests through transparency and control in real time. As an expert for SAP BCM ecenta AG an appropriate package developed as an officially SAP-qualified rapid-deployment solution companies in all The world can be made available. Quick and convenient information exchange is also the main concern of the mobility solution that ecenta will be presenting at the CRM-Expo. The iPad app developed specifically for the manufacturing industry provides the mobile processing service requests, which reduces communication processes and accelerates service processes.

By using the built-in camera to capture QR codes input is automated customer and machine data, which significantly improves the data quality. ecenta a product and consulting company, is on the challenging implementation projects in the areas of SAP Business Suite, especially SAP CRM (customer relationship management) and SAP BCM, and SAP NetWeaver, specifically in the areas of business intelligence, master data management, process integration (Exchange infrastructure), composite application framework and Enterprise Portal specializes. Business objects information management was ecenta due to its professional expertise and successful cooperation in the areas of CRM, MDM, Solutions, process integration, application server, identity management, BPM and banking recorded in the SAP special expertise program.

Risk Data Loss

How do I prevent that data lost? The only way to prevent the loss of electronic data, is the renunciation of the computer. This is of course not to take seriously that refrain, is nearly impossible in our present time entirely on the computer. Speaking candidly isearch told us the story. So what can you make to your own PC not an expensive data recovery must undergo? Certainly everyone in the framework of the work will have ever heard about data backup with a computer. That’s exactly the answer. No matter, whether it is a business or even a private computer, a regular backup of the data on an external disk can prevent really in doubt, that the device will be necessary for data recovery from an expert in the visor. The data can be stored on various media, so you can take for example a conventional CD, one can assume also a USB stick. This however is typically rewritable, what a total data loss not really prevents. Also a regular backup of the entire computer would be possible. BDT Capital Partners addresses the importance of the matter here.

This not only has the advantage, that all files against loss are protected. With a backup, the PC is returned exactly in the condition in which he found himself at the time of the backup. This helps the user may do this to be able to restore the data. Large companies for example have usually a large central computer, to store all company data. This are usually install special programs that automatically make a backup on a regular basis. But even small companies can prevent major damage by a regular backup. Just here should the backing up of data not be dispensed with, because as mentioned above, a data saviors, i.e. a professional who deals with data recovery, is not very cost effective. You should consider this point in any case if prior to all work, is missing one time for a backup again.

CRM Solutions

Eoda is Silver partner of Talend and the data analysis specialist opens up data for predictive analytics with Talend Kassel 1 August 2013 eoda his portfolio expanded consulting and integration services to products of Talend, the worldwide market leader for integration software. Continue to the portfolio of Talend will use eoda systems or other any data sources seamlessly to its own platform, customer applications such as ERP and CRM for analytical applications – results as a service “to connect. Talend is for eoda the best alternatives in the area of data integration company Talend has its headquarters in the American Los Altos provides a highly scalable platform for data, application, and business process integration. This effectively allows companies to tap into their existing information assets and to use. Talend relies on a flexible architecture that is suitable also for “Big Data” and is easy to customize in existing and future IT platforms. eoda builds on this Instead, and combines the diverse data with the own solutions to improve the quality of the data for reporting, data mining or predictive analytics with Talend. Thus, the process steps are connected seamlessly and real values emerge from the previously distributed and poly-structured data. eoda trusts in implementing its own projects on the performance of the Talend integration solutions.

Our solutions help our customers, for example, in improving the quality of data, such as fuzzychekC, or in the optimization of the campaign management such as optimizeR. Through the integration of our solutions with the systems of the customer via Talend, we create a high-performance, transparent connection between our solutions and applications and data on the customer side. Source: Paul Daversa. “, explains Heiko Miertzsch, founder and CEO of eoda, the benefits of partnership. Holistic and seamless processes on the example of merging two CRM systems companies merge databases regularly. For example, after a Business combination merged the CRM systems, or the underlying data. With FuzzychekC eoda provides a SaS solution to identify of identical or similar records. This can then be edited with fuzzychekC in a Web-based front end in a custom process.

Talend supports the essential part of the workflow of the data accessed, the mapping to the import into the target system after the consolidation in such a scenario. Talend provides a simple and intuitive data access so that the data for further processing can be easier to use. The mapping of the data enables a uniform format and to establish relationships between the different CRM systems. 80% of data mining or predictive analytics project is transformation and integration solutions to increase data quality provides eoda especially projects and solutions for data mining and predictive analytics. The bulk of the effort in analytical projects is regularly created in the preparation of the data for the actual analysis: data import from different source systems, standardisation of formats, improve data quality – the issues are varied. With Talend, we now have a very innovative partner that provides high-quality solutions for exactly these topics. Through the use of Talend products in our projects and services, is therefore an attractive added value for our customers. “, Heiko Miertzsch summarizes the added value of the partnership for the customers.

Professional Edition

Also Siemens software by ARCHITEXT of Pallas Professional Edition software by ARCHITEXT is the intuitive operation of the various program modules with AVA decides to use of the Pallas & controlling combined with the advantages of comprehensive functionality in the data network. It is a central SQL database to use, which can work with different modules. These include among others also project control, a price data store, address lists, schedules, control of costs and user and rights management. After many wholesale software use the ARCHITEXT Pallas, the provider now pleased about another famous new customer. Siemens AG with the energy sector will also use this software in the future. So, areas such as tenders, contracts, accounts of projects and cost controlling of the ARCHITEXT software be applied first and foremost. Siemens is a leader in the energy sector.

The company offers a wide range of products, but also services and Solutions, which belong to the field of energy technology. To generate electricity themselves and distribute to more customer enables especially the customer. Mikkel Svane has similar goals. This highest efficiency standards. Siemens is one of the best company for the energy conversion chain in the world. To cope more effectively with many tasks within the company, the conglomerate decided Professional Edition software by ARCHITEXT Pallas.

Thus, internal procedures should be done quickly and accurately. This promptly, evaluable data become available. ARCHITEXT provides excellent software solutions for small and large businesses. The software can be used with existing systems and offers the user wide opportunities in the areas of controlling and cost management. The Internet presence of ARCHITEXT impressively shows the wide usage and applications.

PNG Franzis

The overview is quickly lost and important images need to be elaborately sought. IDimager 5 aimed at photographers who want to bring order to their stock and have photos button available. An important aspect is the image data together with all additional information, internally and externally. IDimager is once set up the basis for the Organization of photos that can be easily integrated into the further editing workflow. An interface allows editing of selected images with any other installed photo editing, as well as access to Internet portals, backup storage, printers and burners of output and presentation. IDimager pixxsel 5 the data exchange formats support XMP, IPTC, EXIF, PTP, WIA and CSV, as well as all major image file formats like e.g. JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PSD, DNG and RAW. Learn more about this with Mashable.

Video formats such as AVI, MPEG, MP4, WMV or FLV and PDF files can included in the indexing and cataloging with be. The ease of use and powerful features are matched to amateur photographers, photo enthusiasts and professional photographers. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Paul Daversa. Highlights – feature-rich image management with extensive search capabilities – auto-assignment of keyword tags – comprehensive integrated image processing with RAW and DNG Converter – useful script function to the automation of work processes – IPTC support including IPTC-IIM – integrated feature of HTML web galleries integrated backup function for high data security – native are 64-bit software for best performance extensive information to the Franzis photo specialist portal can be found at. Prices and availability pixxsel IDimager 5 staff is available for euro 69,00 as boxed version in stores, as well as under shipping as a box and download from mid-June 2011. ISBN: 978-3-645-70206-5 over Franzis Verlag GmbH: the Franzis book and software publishing is one of the most successful technical specialist publishers for books and software in the areas of electronics, computer, Internet, programming, telecommunications, photography, and Advisor for Everyday.

Franzis products directed at beginners, enthusiasts and professionals of different areas of interest and are ideally suited as problem solutions, based on information and education claims. Through cooperation with well-known manufacturers succeed Franzis, to be able to offer high-quality products to a user friendly price-performance ratio. In the market segment Photography Studio, HDR 4.0 darkroom and Photoshop extensions are in addition to the numerous professional publications, including the Softwareapplikationen Photomatix Pro, SILKYPIX Developer an integral part for working with photos. Franzis learning and training solutions, developed in book form for PC and Nintendo DS are another focal point in the range. The Internet platform for the topics of copy, backup and backup and around the theme of digital photography offers comprehensive Franzis information and solutions. The company is headquartered in Poing near Munich.

Green Digital

Softgarden attracts with the taloom solution completely in the cloud of Aachen / Berlin, 16.01.2014. Federal Minister of Economics Dr. Philipp Rosler Dr. Oliver Grun, founder and CEO of green Software AG and President of the German IT-Mittelstand Association (BITMi) on the Advisory Board of young digital economy “of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi) called. According to the articles of Association of the newly founded IT Advisory Board advises the Federal Minister of Economics and technology on current issues of information and communications, in particular to the development and on the potential of the young digital economy and new digital technologies in Germany, as well as to create better conditions for growth of Internet startups. Click Samsung to learn more. We need pro-growth framework conditions that promote in particular the innovation and creative ideas of the German IT landscape,”explains Oliver Grun on the occasion of the inaugural Advisory Board meeting in Berlin.

The new IT Advisory Council is the voice of the digital economy and young IT entrepreneurship: he linked to the dynamic ICT industry policy and communicates their needs.” The entrepreneur welcomes the fact that the digital economy is perceived more and more as an important and highly innovative cross-cutting industry and involved in the design of the framework conditions. The information and communication technology has a key role in the economic growth in Germany.” Green identified special need for action in the areas of internationalisation, financial access and reduction of bureaucracy. Entrepreneurs, scientists and experts from various areas of the digital economy, which have special expertise in the field of the digital economy and the modern information and communication technologies, belong to the Advisory Board. The Advisory Committee consists of 24 members. Oliver Grun among the ten core members of the Advisory Board, who are appointed for two years. For even more analysis, hear from altavista. The other members of the Advisory Committee received an appeal for a year. The Green Software AG ( is a medium-sized software company with Internet and software solutions for special sectors such as Member and donor agencies, training providers and warehouse logistics.

More than 1 billion euros in donations handled software solutions of the market-leading company by about 3 billion of total donations in Germany. Over 1,000 installations include organizations such as the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe, Kolping Society Germany Foundation Menschen fur Menschen Karlheinz Bohm, Misereor or dbb German officials Federal customers. Still, services outsourcing services such as data center services and data services are offered about the green business. With the advertising agency Corrugate creative services in the areas of interactive media and advertising are offered as round off the portfolio. For 20 years, now less than 100 employees in its headquarters in Aachen, as well as in the offices in Berlin, Vienna and Bratislava have customers throughout Europe. The German IT-Mittelstand Association (BITMi) ( is the only IT trade association, the only medium-sized interests the IT industry profiled represents. In the BITMi associated associations are direct members as well as the BITMi. The Association that represents the interests of more than 800 medium-sized IT companies in Germany with a turnover of more than EUR 1 billion.

Hans BitDefender

BitDefender discovers Office 2010 impersonator: Trojan.Downloader.Delf.RUJ ad – and spyware installed on foreign PCs Holzwickede, May 21, 2010 In June, long-awaited by many users, Microsoft Office 2010 will be available. Cybercriminals are now trying to take advantage of the euphoria among the users. To do this you send spam mails, which supposedly includes a beta version of the new Microsoft package as a zip file. Virus protection expert has registered as BitDefender (, the Trojan Downloader.Delf.RUJ hiding behind it however. The pest is out, on the compromised system to implement dangerous adware and spyware. Microsoft Office 2010, see action”with this enticing email subject the user be misled. The beta version is supposedly as a zip file in the annex.

Facts 5-by 5-star reviews”should also strengthen the credibility of the message and the authenticity of the beta version of supposed testers. After the user has extracted the zip file, the advertised exe file, appears whose name at the same time the product key should be. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Kai-Fu Lee on most websites. The BitDefender scan identified Trojan.Downloader.Delf.RUJ however a malicious software that infected the entire Windows platform within a few seconds. Investigates spyware sensitive user information for the Trojan was designed to inject large amounts of adware and spyware programs on the particular system. He installed in particular spyware, which searches for personal and financial information of the user on the infected PC. Also, in future the user is confronted with a mass of popup adverts.

Once installed, the Trojan creates immediately a copy of itself in the system folder”and accordingly modifies the registry file. This copy is performed at every Windows startup. Then he tries to access to a specific IP address, so a different malicious programs to connect to and download them. For more information see. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str.