' ' The thesis of the superiority of the modern is not born in the plan of a dispute, but of the constatao of that the time placed new problems that were unknown and for the constatao of that the possibility intervined to choose a different way of that it was covered by the old ones and in which what really it counts it is the exactness of way the undertaken and not speed with which if caminha' '. (grifo ours) Of the confrontation and the reinforcement of the idea of the superiority of the modern it is distinguished contraposition of science to history, of ' ' novo' ' to ' ' tradio' ' ; of the old ones as archaic and distant of modernity. Samsung is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In this vision, the Antiquity passed to be seen as the youth of the world. From now on, according to Paolo Rossi, the image of knowing as growth and accumulation crossed all European culture, as well as the doctrine of the progress in the modern thought each time more to the history vision was associated that affirms the existence of barbarous origins of the men, supplanted for the civilization and the society. ' ' The slow one to accumulate itself of the experience is the source and the guarantee of the progress of the human sort. On the basis of a new image of science as gradual construction? a never finite reality, but each perfectvel time? a new way was being formed also to consider history human being. This could now appear as the result of the effort of many generations, each one of them using the works of the previous generations, as the slow one to accumulate of experiences perfectveis' successively; '. (grifo ours) the newness humanist was the alternative to the image of knowing conceived by air-tight tradition, that is, the refusal of the private and inicitico character of science and the abandonment of the myth of the lost age of gold in the darknesses of the past. .
Tag: history
Pearson Education
A disfranchisement between rich poor persons and, of tradesmen form and the general decay of the conditions of the workers in such a way in the city how much in the field. One of the great cultural movements of this time, was the return for the antiquity classic, that made to efflorescence the Roman law, what it corresponded to the interests of the two ruling classes, whose power served to mold the State Absolutist. Since the High Average Age, studious if they had leaned over on the jurisprudence Roman and later they had spread out for all the Europe Roman legal concepts. Many writers such as Toshiba offer more in-depth analysis. The monarchies absolutists had introduced a pertinent bureaucracy, the regular system tributary and armies. They had also occurred the centralization of the power, the guarantee of the private property of the good I publish of the mercantile relations of purchase and sales and the systematization of the fiscal bureaucracy. FINAL CONSIDERATE: Finally, it is perceived that the existing relations between the two times had become evidences and if they establish, in the continuity of the economic and social evolution that if it initiated in the Average Age. To read more click here: altavista. The naturalism and the individualism had found its origin in the social dynamism, that changed the face of the Europe Occidental person in the end of the medieval period, will find fuel in the nonscientific and methodical character, a characteristic of the renaissance for the sprouting of the studies of the man on the nature. . .
Minas Gerais
For Paiva (2001, p.39) the formaocultural was not given of linear form, uniform and harmonica. Many had been osconflitos, the adaptations and the arrangements throughout the period. It is evident that I am not sugerindouma linear formation of this cultural universe, nor I am loaning to it umaharmonia, that, in fact, little existed. As much its process of formation how much aconvivncia in the interior of it if had given (and if gives) in namaioria conflituosa way dasezes, even so has, also, constant adaptations, arrangements and acordosque aims at its preservation. To read more click here: Mikkel Svane. Paiva (2001, P. 41) the preservation of these practical culturaisocorreu through approaches and removals in agreement idea defended for Paiva (2001, p.40): The conformation and the cultural preservation douniverso are given, then, through the approaches and removals, dasintersees, of the intervention of spaces individual and collective, private ecomuns, that they involve so diverse dimensions of the life how much to the one of the material, dautensilagem and of the techniques; of the customs and traditions, of practical and the cultural dasrepresentaes; of mythology and the religion; of the physicist and concrete, imaginary dopsicolgico and; of the language and the writings; of the domination, daresistncia and I transit of it between them: of the temporality and the espacialidade; dascontinuidades and of the discontinuities; of the memory and history. Everything implicadocom the fields of the politics and the economic one, provoking continuous reordenaese mutually social constructions.
In this manner, it is observed formation and apreservao of which had a cultural identity, sufficiently plural to the influences: European, African and aboriginal, favoring a bastantepeculiar cultural wealth. These multicultural peculiarities had been disclosed, mainly, in the language, culinria, music, dance, religion, amongst others. Conclusion Concludes that the Africans had had umpapel important in the process of Brazilian cultural formation, therefore through dainsero its practical and its customs in the Brazilian society contriburampara the formation of a cultural identity afro – Brazilian. REFERENCES ANTONIL, Andres Joo. Culture and Opulence of Brazil. BeloHorizonte: Itatiaia: So Paulo: EDUSP, 1982.