The problems exist on their own, while the breaks "live" in our mind as interpretations of what happened and this is what gives us the power to decide how to deal from a position player, proactive, seeking solutions, rather than stay in Complaints which do not lead us anywhere. If we refer to the unwanted situation as a "problem", it seems that there is only one course of action to resolve it. If we refer to unwanted status as a "break", we can find several courses of action, new re-formulations different to the initial finding through them, new courses-action settlement. The key to position yourself against the problems, take note: If you change the interpretation of what happened, you may be facing an opportunity. Every problem (which we call from now on, break) hides one or more occasions. Many of the problems faced are resolved as such or converted into learning opportunities If you meddle with the interpretation you have of them.
This new interpretation allows us to act in anticipation of possible problems that might occur. If we position ourselves as actors, we "advance" to solve problems by declaring them as breaks, taking immediate action for resolution. Why wait could "explode" especially if we can and do something positive? Here I propose some questions for you to work yourself into a problem that are going through, to turn it into a break and be hero of the same, seeking solutions at least those that are within your reach. You can use these questions to any problems you are experiencing: Write a problem you are experiencing at this time. How could you re-formulate it differently to make it a good break? What if you take the problem accepting your participation in it? What could change? "Worry does not empty tomorrow of problems, empty today of its strength. Watch carefully major problems, great opportunities disguised as "Patricia Hashuel Love, Ani 2006-2010 Ana Cecilia Vera Vera. All Rights Reserved. Do you want to publish my articles in your newsletter, blog or website? You can if you include the full text below it …