Ecoportal Ecology

On the planet Earth is coming a new mass extinction of species. Plastic bags and the environment. Emissions and waste: recycling electronics for ATM, slick on the Neva, dioxins in the bottom of Lake Baikal, snowmelt and groundwater contamination waters. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Kam VedBrat. Climate: algae blooms and carbon dioxide gases, climate change and allergy mystery of the Antarctic ice, warming and migratory birds. Green Technology: elektrotaksi the streets of Beijing and floating solar power plant in Israel. In the animal world: cultural advocate for homeless animals, environmentalists against lifting the ban on fishing sturgeon in the Amur, Geprokuratura check the fact of burning horses.

Scientific breakthroughs: saber-toothed cats, hunting killer whales, bear the secrets of hibernation, a protective gene of rice, wiping Capuchin monkeys, the new body of yellow narcissus. This is interesting: Environmentalists offer to untie avtonalog of 'horses', spiders chosen Sedans Mazda6. The dates of the week: Day of cats in Russia. Photo fact of the week: 'Growing sculptures from the soil. " Review of the week from 28.02.2011 to 06.03.2011. On the planet Earth is coming a new mass extinction of species Scientists note that what is happening today faster disappearance of many species of mammals may be a sign of an impending sixth mass extinction in Earth's history. Results in the history of life on Earth, scientists are five major, or mass extinctions, the earliest of which, Ordovician-Silurian, destroyed 440 million years ago, approximately 86% of the species. Over the past 500 years, had died at least 80 species of mammals, estimated experts, while the average of every million years, only two species disappears.

Pollution Of Waters

When looking in our return, we come across in them with a complex imensido that we call Nature. Speaking candidly Mikkel Svane told us the story. We, human beings, must very be grateful it for having in the great awarded one with the responsible one for our survival, day after day, the Water. The Water has covered 75% of the planet Land and is essential to the life of the diverse existing beings, as the animals, the bacteria, the plants, among others. However, although the undisputed necessity that we have of it, the human being is main the responsible one for its degradation, therefore, through the pollution which is displayed, its use if becomes improper. The waters of rivers, seas and oceans suffer to constants discharges from come pollutants, mainly, of the bad human use, industries and the draining of the water of rains, that brings toxic and organic substances, harming its useful life and the life of its dependents. The Pollution For Bad Human Use is more common in poor localities, therefore, as it does not have sanitation, it is in the rivers where the population it launches garbage of all species and its excrementos. The Pollution For Industrial Residues involves treated and developed substances chemically, being thus, more difficult the treatment of cleanness and demanding techniques more sophisticated to treat and also to control the set free chorume in the processes. The Pollution For Agricultural Contamination is very common in the regions where the farming one more is used, therefore it is caused by the draining of the used agrotxico, through the water of rain, sending great amount of toxic substances to the rivers. Moreover, this draining takes esterco of the animals of pastures and the seasonings, causing the process of the Eutrofizao that is the increase of the number of nutrients and of decompositoras bacteria that consume the oxygen and diminish its concentration in the water, beyond leaving the muddy water for the seaweed, producing gases that, in bigger amount, become toxic.


If the areas in expansion if find in more remote points of the territory, relatively distant of the areas metropolitans and the great urban centers, trend will be the formation of other areas that will pass if to consolidate, until reaching the saturation level, evidenced in other regions metropolitans and other great urban centers, starting to provoke those same phenomena that if find generalized by the whole world, and that they are considered ' ' clssicos' ' in the present time. In any way, either through the concentration in consolidated areas, either through the expansion of new areas, the observed trends historically, in the whole world, are of extreme concentration of people and productive activities in reduced spaces, that they are extended to the expenseses of the natural areas (or dedicated dantes to the farming activities, of mineral extration or forest exploration) and in detriment of lesser urban areas, and mainly, in detriment of the joint and integration of these last ones, between itself, and the great urban areas and regions metropolitans, with cited consequentes malaise previously, felt for the citizens. Exactly thus, the execution of the actions of integration and joint enter the urban centers of diverse sizes between itself and between the great urban areas and metropolitans it must be led to the handle with caution, not to configure a process of territorial occupation that produces situations that they provoke what it is seen and felt as that malaise, that the majority of the citizens the sectorial causes attribute. 5. WHAT IT MUST BE MADE? POINT OF VIEW TECHNICIAN 5,1 CONSOLIDATED AREAS consolidated Areas, as the described ones above, demand actions that depend on its respective profiles, to surpass the malaise felt for the citizens as being of sectorial origin, but that it results of processes of occupation and territorial use. 5.1.1? Actions of control and space rationalization These actions are proper for consolidated areas characterized for highly diversified a productive structure, with a propensity for high levels of incomes and with a trend of continued growth of the same ones.