The education of geometry in Projovem Field To know of the Land: analysis of an experience under the point of view of the professor of the subject to flooding town in Frei Paulo/SE Jose Mrcio Dos Santos Federal University of Sergipe Summary This objective work to investigate practical pedagogical of the professor of Matemtica (PROF) of a group of Projovem the Field To know of the Land, located in the Subject to flooding town in Frei Paulo/SE, when planning and developing the concept of area in its lessons. For in such a way, we appropriate in them of the estimated theoreticians of Farm (1999), Oliveira (2004), Fonseca (2005), Rodrigues (2008), Santana (2010) e, by means of the principles of a qualitative inquiry, adopt as instruments of collection of data: the Pedagogical Notebooks elaborated by the Ministry of the Education destined to the professor (BRAZIL, 2008, b, c, d, e) and to the pupil (BRAZIL, 2008, f, g, h, i, j); two interviews semistructuralized with the PROF; beyond two Reports of Activities produced for all the professors of the group, referring to the thematic axles System of Production and Process of Work in the Field and Citizenship, Social Organization and Public Politics. Learn more at: Samsung. From the analysis of the data we identify namely that the constitution of the planning of the PROF was guided by a proposal to interdisciplinar following two metodolgicas trends of the Mathematical Education: the etnomatemtica and the job of manipulable materials. Another point also observed was the persistence with which the PROF carried through its activities, exactly inside of a context of much diversity and that it does not possess the valuation that if must on the part of the governing. If you would like to know more then you should visit Neil Rubler. Word-key: Education of the Field; Mathematical education in the EJA; Education of Geometry.
Tag: education
Grey Wolf
And the greater the effect will be achieved in the case: in the hallway you are pinned card with the name of outerwear and footwear, in the bedroom – with the names of bedding and linens in the bathroom – personal hygiene and so on. Very effectively to put a home in a foreign minispektakl language. Can you imagine a New Year's Eve you – Maiden, grandfather – Santa Claus, your husband – Grey Wolf, Granny – Lisa Alice, son – courageous Snegovichok and daughter – a gentle snowflake? And during the whole performance all speak (albeit with hesitation, pauses – other actors prompt) in English! This is also great! And if you're a student and you have many friends who also want to speak a foreign language as a mother, then the field work is boundless. You can hold such a party, which will tell your children and grandchildren. For all that should not rely on promises to learn to speak a foreign language "in a dream, with the help of cunning" background "audio cassettes or the method of "twenty-fifth frame.
Better to learn a few moves of expressions and phrases and insert them into your native language … Or write a song on your player in a foreign language and sing it along with the performer, plus translate it into your native language. Believe me – it's very exciting! In stores and online now, you can find a lot of computer training programs that make the process of learning a foreign language at home fun and positive. There are courses of independent learning English on DVD, different size and duration, designed for adults and children, as well as for the family to learn English. Most short-lived sessions – 15-20 minutes a day – will certainly result, and effort on your part will require quite a bit. To learn English, I recommend you a rate A. Dragunkina, and if you want to become "Man of Peace" and know many foreign languages, then I advise you to rate I.
Poloneichik. So do not treat her forced to find homes as a useless pastime. Use it for possible raise their educational level, language skills, to bring to this exciting venture all your family and you will not regret it ever! Well, gentlemen, the pessimists, I am not persuaded? I. Leonov source: 'class =' style16 '>
EMF System
And as a consequence appeared EMF (electromotive force) induction, which is actually a magnetic, rather than the electromotive force. That's convention has got to the perceived reality. Popular metrology handbook says that concepts such as angular momentum, angular momentum, angular momentum and angular momentum – are synonymous, only selected in different origins. After all, they have in SI units the same dimensions and units. But it turns out that it was not synonymous, as they are defined by different equations. Additional information at Zendesk supports this article.
And the fact that they were identical units as well as in blame the SI system, in which a set of core units is conditional. In general, the physical content of the variables to be judged, in principle, not on the dimensions and units, and their defining equations. That is why the author "Energodinamicheskoy of physical quantities, in the end, added to the name of two words" and concepts. roup. " Since the system, which includes inadequate concepts – this is not a system. Speaking candidly Viacom told us the story. And if the individual terms Physics has been difficult or even impossible to change, then their true physical content should, at least, to explain. What can we say about the notation about the symbolism. There's a pie that about him in a few words to say.
We must look at site, where it devotes a whole page. For electromagnetism and gravity, even the author had to draw up its own system of symbols and indexes, as the lead in the existing system of symbolism, he had not succeeded. And he brought this new symbols on the site in a separate table for the values of the physical field. But at the same time to help teachers and students was a generalized table of elastic deformation, the generalized table of transport phenomena, tables field strengths, susceptibility and permeability of the medium in an electromagnetic field, the table values of thermal radiation, a table of physical and economic variables, the classification scheme of forms and types of energy and types of mechanical movement, the classification scheme of physical systems, the classification scheme of charges and dipoles in electromagnetism. You can hang these training aids in classrooms in physics, but rather in specialized classrooms universities. The author himself has taught 35 years and he really wants to help his colleagues. What to say in conclusion? Tables of physical quantities do not resemble the shape nor the periodic system of elements of the Mendeleyev chemistry, nor system of Carolus Linnaeus in biology. But who said that they should be similar in shape? They should be similar in purpose, and they have one goal: to demonstrate the unity of nature to better understand it, to create new, similar already existing in nature, and not wasting time on the creation of what is alien to the principles of systematization.
But for some, one became ' ' tabu' ' , the fear of the professor to use the innovation in its methods of education and the fear of the pupil in learning to live deeply with the digital technology excited a great difficulty in its application. According to Market (2002), the inclusion of the new technologies in the school still faces another problem, difficulties with the investment demanded for the acquisition of equipment. This problem is one of the empecilhos greaters, since many schools lack the basic one in its functioning, hardly will have enough mounts of money for the acquisition of machines of last generation, in numbers enough to take care of the demand of the school, where these are overcrowded. As Lepeltak and Verlinden (2007), the use of the technology demands great pedagogical abilities. The preparation of these methods of education in the initial formation of professors is preceding conditions for a satisfactory educational system. Softwares in the education helps the professor if to bring up to date and to concur with other ways that are available, as TV and radio.
But ahead of this multifaceted vision on the education and ahead of a gamma of information, the choice of these tools still is a problem, therefore the concept of quality for educators leaves of the common sense, and not of a general vision on quality of these applicatory ones. She is necessary to be I criticize and objective in the choice, not aiming in the programs only amused and pleasant aspects, but having practical content and. According to Wilhelm (2008), the concept of quality of a software is extremely ample. Learn more about this with Dell Computers. So that the quality concept if does not become subjective, factors exist that must be observed associates and while of objective form, through metric of quality of software of agencies the normalizadores of the sector, thus allowing, a bigger implantation in the localization of parts of a plan that if adjusts, or incorporated procedures of form accomplish.
Satellite Security Systems
If you're already there to work, you can get your money back and not participate in the workshop! This is not a gimmick, not a joke and not a typo. I am sole proprietor of all its assets and responsible before the law and the client. I simply know that guide is useful to you at work, and I'm not afraid to give you a 100% money back guarantee of your money. You risk nothing! And there was still no return of leadership and negative feedback from the participants of the training workshop. Hear from experts in the field like Mikkel Svane for a more varied view. Reviews of seminars and courses on administration, Igor Kireev, Invest-Project, Moscow: "He participated in your workshop. Dell follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It is very necessary work! Especially liked the businesslike approach to the coverage of the material, the ability of the seminar ask questions, and most importantly get them satisfactory answers. "Apokin Anna, LLC Microinform, Minsk, Belarus:" It is like the workshop! Especially nice that it's my first experience in this kind of seminar.
I think important to talk about "simple truths" that are not written in clever books, and, unfortunately, comes only with experience in practice. "Elena Petrova, Telros Telecom, St. Petersburg:" The workshop left a good impression. Obvious, that the designer needs to know and to the seminar, have been placed in "shelf" and available in detail. In addition, the seminar itself and the manner of its submission were very friendly and interesting. Thank you! 'Vladimir Chikarin, arche, Omsk "Dmitry. Thanks for the seminar. All very cleverly chewed.
The online seminars are convenient because we have similar activities in Omsk, a rarity. A trip on the same Novosibirsk takes time and extra costs. And there is direct without on the job! "Dmitry Kamenev, Satellite Security Systems, Chekhov:" I was a member of your first workshop, held May 6, 2009. I would like to thank you for what you do – thank you from yourself personally, I think, from the other participants – so that such workshops are needed and very important. Until we meet at seminars. "To be professional, just need to take and use the experience of the expert, organizational issues * Start date – August 24, at 12-00 * Duration of course – 2:00 * The cost of the training course, including the leadership – 2,000 rubles Links * Payment details of training courses can be viewed at this link * Instructions on connecting to a training course can be found here Required technologies: * access to the Internet – 256 kbit / sec headphones or speakers
Englobam Resources
They are resources that assist the deficient ones in its day-by-day, which guarantee a bigger autonomy to the individual, therefore it allows to have more accessibility and to carry through simple tasks as to cook, to be dressed, to feed themselves, to take bath without the aid of another person. Supports for domestic utensils, adapted bars of support, places setting and pertaining to school materials, are examples of Assistivas Technologies that assist in the practical life of the deficient one. Augmentative and alternative communication These resources are destined the people who possess problems of communication related to the lack of speak or with limitations of the same one. The used resources more are the specific plates of communication, vocalizadores or computers with softwares, which guarantees great efficiency to the communicative function. Resources of accessibility to the computer These resources are used to guarantee the person with deficiency the access to the computer, through the hardware and software that become this accessible tool. The entrance equipment is examples of resources of accessibility to the computer as the modified keyboards, the virtual keyboards with sweepings, mouses special and diverse activators, softwares of voice recognition, tips of head for light among others. As exit equipment we can cite: the synthesis of voice, monitors special, softwares reading of text (OCR), printers braile and line braile. Systems of environment control the systems of environment control guarantee to deficient a bigger autonomy, therefore they allow that it has controlled, by means of a remote control, electro-electronic devices, systems of security, among others mechanisms inside of its residence, office or the outskirts. Projects architectural for Englobam accessibility structural resources that facilitate the access and permanence of deficient people to the places where it frequents as its house, public environment of work, places among others. These projects architectural if relate to the slopes, adapted elevators, bathrooms, furniture parts among others adaptations that inside guarantee the functionality and the mobility of any environment.
Technological Development
CHANGE OF PARADIGM AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Vera Silvia Person Port Leaving of the principle that the Seminary in ' ' Technology in Pedagogia and Construtivismo' ' it approaches referring subjects to the constant changes and permanent transformations in the society and the school throughout the times and making a retrospect to the last facts where the pupil was lead to the room, the subservincia and the unreliability, being the seen professor as detainer of knowledge and wisdom, it is easy to evidence that much thing moved until the current days even so very still needs to be made. The technological advances and with it are many the challenges for a society where the man constructs and reconstructs its learning based on the experience and the relations with the way, I obtain exactly and with the others, what he will favor a responsible and conscientious citizen in the exercise concrete of the citizenship. Throughout century XVIII, many had been the facts that had contributed for the social changes. With the industrial revolution, the necessity was born of ' ' a new type of homem' ' trained to take care of to the demands of the servile model of the invoicing industries and the traditional school she was seen as preparadora for the laboring futures. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ali Partovi. ' ' The only question the one that lacked to answer age the one that if realacionava with the type of school capable to give answers to the necessities of the industrial model, of social pacification and formation of a new type of suitable man to the requirements of the new model of production, and that he was simultaneously so cheap that disarmed the idea of education for todos' ' (I finish, 2000). In France the iluministas longed for a government system where all were equal before the law. Thus the modern society appeared, fruit of the transformations that had culminated in the French Revolution. .
Anthroponimical System
German is the language of the West Group, a part of the Indo-European family. Native speakers are more than 98 million people, and speak it a lot more people. Without hesitation Robotics explained all about the problem. In the history of the formation of the German language does not exist a single framework, the language evolved from similar to one another West German dialects. Proper names is full of human speech, they accompany the men in all spheres of life. Consider what features have personal names in German. Onomastics – the section of lexicology that studies names.
A anthroponimics – Section onomastics, which studies the origin, change, geographical distribution, social functioning, etc., proper names. For example, proper names can evolve along with the language, can be borrowed from other languages and belong to different periods of their development. Proper names in the history of any language is occupied is not the last place. However, for a long time this question was not considered. Research in this area were mostly philosophers and logicians.
Location proper names are scholars of antiquity, namely the ancient Greeks and Romans. Proper names as the class identified the Stoics. And later, in the xix century, were considered proper names, their categories and then what they have significance in the history formation languages. In Russia and the cis study of onomastics have been started about 20 years ago, a group of onomastic research. Onomastic organized workshops, international conference. The largest contribution to this science made by German scientists. In the times of the gdr on the basis of University of Leipzig conducted its work on the section of the study of linguistics.
Teaching Issues
Have you ever thought about why people, from enthusiasm to study any subject or course after a while they want him to quit? Why is reading a book, and before reaching the end of the page, people can not remember what has been written on this page? Why some people can not apply in my life that have studied at university or at work? Why do so many students do not hesitate to assert that "hate school"? If you are faced with at least one of these situations, you know the problems of education. In our modern world, the problem of illiteracy society is one of the major problems in the world. Hear other arguments on the topic with Pete Cashmore. Lack of qualified personnel causes considerable problems in economy. People can not get a job due to lack of knowledge and inability to assimilate. Errors and problems at work arise because of the incompetence of the people, and can lead to large financial losses. Parents can invest in the education of their children everything they have, and still not get the desired result.
All these problems have been carefully researched study by the American scientist and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. In the 60 years of 20 century, he developed a technology that allows to learn any subject. It's called technology education and is not a memorization technique, or "memorization" of the object. Technology training includes methods to cope with any problem learning that can occur in humans. It aims to ensure that any person could fully understand absolutely any subject and to apply learned in life. You can get acquainted with this technology on course "Guide to Basic Training", or enroll your child in the course "Learn to learn ', designed specifically for children, with lots of illustrations. An experienced instructor will see to it that the course was learned completely.
Pablo Freire
Inside of the context of the education for young adult, that emerges today as one of the significant questions of the educational process defies the young to produce knowledge and to create new practical strategical, practical of action, therefore the educator will have that to construct new to know next to these pupils, directed for the teach-learning of adults. The study guideline in the thought of Pablo Freire, respecting history, the desires and dreams of the citizens, considering the questions of sort and generation, the sociocultural and regional diversity of the involved organizations. It associates education of young and adults to the professional formation, taking care of demand you specify of the workers, including the necessity of insertion in the work market. Thus, the EJA although all the interferences, either social, economic, politics, cultural and educational, is entering in one serves as apprentice of transistion, leaving one-step where the modality counts only on the use of cartilhas and the individual effort of the professionals of the area, leaving for a stage of study and reflection for future changes, being based on the material supplied for the MEC. All theory on EJA, that perpassa decades and decades still continues in utopian plans, although is concluded that the educators of this modality to have this based knowledge and speeches theoretically. The impediment for coherent educative practical one with the social and cultural reality of its educandos is the lack of support of financial and institucional matrix, such as: the lack of specific material the support due of the public politics and the improper collection of the direction of the institutions with EJA programs. From these conclusions, have in sight also some consideraes in the direction to recommend that regular courses of qualification for the operating professionals in the classrooms of the EJA are made, so that the same ones can reflect on its practical and to create strategies to modify this practical descontextualizada.