Computer science courses are a great tool for those who wish to enter the world of storage and processing of information among many other tasks, but before entering background which has to do with the contents of the computer courses is good to define it is Informatics for better an idea of what you can offer in different courses of computer science that there are. Informatics comprises with regard to the automatic processing of information through computers or computers, in such a way that made computers is a process of computing where they receive information which is supplied through the keyboard, Mouse, microphone, or touch screen, then this information the processor of the computer work, this information that is supplied and processed is stored is devices such as hard diskDVD, CD, floppy disks, USB sticks and then this information out so that the computer user receives it by means such as your monitor, speakers, printer among others, as you can see the Informatics can be expanded to many fields for its versatility and because it regards the information is a matter of great extension, this is why that computer science courses in what is taught is basic to concerning this topic, because each person depending on their capabilities vera in which fields of computing unfolds with more easethen rinse, is covered as regards the content of the basic computer courses. In the basic computer courses, usually targeting people who do not dominate much work with a computer, since have not had the opportunity to access this, so before started by pin, restart and turn off the computer, then moves on to explain that it is the desktop in the basic computing courses and that elements they accompany itsuch as icons and different bars, then in computer science courses is passed to explain the functions of the keyboard and the Mouse, already after passing through this point of computer science courses and which already has some management of the Basic coping tools computer, works with Windows Explorer, which will allow to search different applications containing computer programs, as storage devices, hardware for which this integrated computer, among other things that can be searched more easily using Windows Explorer, the step in the learning of computer science courses are files which are the different elements that are stored in the computer whether they are text, audio and video among others and such media containers of these files, folders, which will facilitate the Organization and classification of the files, found after working with the elements mentioned above, step forward in computer science courses is a simple sample of how different of the package Microsoft Office applications are handled, of which those who most overhang are Word which is the text editor more used, Excel which is an application for organizing data and perform calculations and PowerPoint which is a very useful element at the time of make presentations, in such way concludes a computer course for those who are just starting to use computers. If you wish to obtain more information about the contents of the computer courses either Basic or advanced can consult pages like,..