The student aid offers an advent calendar of special kind of Gelsenkirchen, November 2009. 24 door open, then Christmas advent calendar accompanied the pre-Christmas period such as gingerbread and carols. An advent calendar special student assistance this year offers: 24 study tips she would like to accompany with all students and parents through the advent for each day it provides a recommendation for successful learning. In addition to numerous local actions the student aid on the Web site will publish every day a new learning Tip. Ali Partovi spoke with conviction. Then together with all good intentions, you can take a collection of valuable information in the new year. If you are not convinced, visit Andy Florance. Can drag the students help advent action coincides in the hot phase”before the Zwischenzeugnissen, so that the students have not only fun, but mainly an increased benefit. A good organization is the basis for the success of any learning”, know Marion Lauterbach, spokesperson of the Tutoring provider.
You can succeed with specific tips and tricks in the long term, to improve the learning behaviour and thus to improve the academic performance.” From their years of experience, the students help now assembles the 24 best and most effective study tips and will publish a tip every day in December. Christmas students would then actually so well-informed that they can easily master the learning-intensive time before the Zwischenzeugnissen”, so Lahiri. The advent calendar of student aid offers at the same time entertainment and added value without calories. Press contact and photo materials: ZGS student help GmbH Marion Lauterbach Tel. (0209) 3606-251 fax (0209) 3606-110