It enters those new opposed ways the traditional one, would be possible to emphasize the one to make/think always requesting approval or permission, or of the professor towards the student, coaching towards the trained one, etc. The Coach becomes a figure that does not speak from the pulpit, neither from the platform, nor from the vestibule, because it does not have anything to say, nor either nothing that to teach, but tries to question from the place of " no-verdad" or rather from topoi where the truth or the certainty is absent. In this sense, the Coaching speaks from irony of Scrates when it said this one that " it only knows that nada" does not know; but in totally different sense. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Viacom by clicking through. While Scrates makes to denounce the ignorance of the questioned one, of its student, of trained his; the Coaching nevertheless executes from the same origin an action opposed, that consists of elevating to the needed one training or knowing, to the Mount Olympus of autosabidura. The certain thing is that the ontological Coaching applies to knowledge or own techniques of the PNL (neurolingstica programming). Whose relation with the practiced method is clear, since coaching ontological works on three dominions or means: the language, the body and the emotion.
In such methodology, one treats to the language like a generative function, in contrast to the classic and traditional analysis of the language in as much " functor" merely descriptive. In such a way that the language is creative of realities (subjective) that can get to be objective. The distinction between the objective and the subjective thing is lost. The language of the linguistic sign like language of sema somatic (corporal) works like producers of subjetivizada reality. The language no longer then is considered like a tool of representation of the real thing, but like tool of production of the real thing. .