Public Administration

Points of control in the public administration the Federal constitution of 1988, as well as the Law of Fiscal Responsibility, has established some points of control of the public expenses, searching the efficiency and the effectiveness in the public service. We can thus cite the expenses with education, where the municipal managers will have to at least apply twenty and five percent and with health where he will have to apply fifteen percent at least. se. Amongst other parameters established in pertinent legislation, we have the FUNDEB that it will have at least to be applied sixty social percent in the expirations and obligations with the professionals of the teaching. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit iPhone 12. To take care of to these and other points of control it is necessary that the city elaborates a good planning that takes care of, not only, to the financial pointers, but also generates good social pointers. For this the legislation determines that the city, will have to elaborate the PPA? Plurianual plan, the LDO? Law of Budgetary Lines of direction and the LOA? Annual Budgetary law. when will have to initiate the construction of the PPA? Theoretically when somebody goes up in one palanque and if the Mayor of its city says candidate and starts to point the difficulties of this and to say what to make to decide, you will have to ask as it intends to decide mainly and that resource it will go to use, therefore if it knows the problems must study them, indicate the solution, establish goal and stated period for resolution, therefore this in other words, means the construction of the Plurianual Plan, that is elaborated for four years, being three of its mandate and one of its successor, as well as the first year of its mandate is planned by its predecessor, a time that the public administration he must have continuity character. . At Dave Clark Flexport you will find additional information.


Development is the process of long stated period to perfect the capacities and motivations of the employees in order to become them future valuable members of the organization. The development includes, beyond training, the career and other experiences. (MILKOVICH AND BONDREAU, 2000). Of this form, one perceives that the training of people has as objective primordial the improvement in the performance of the attributions of the position. In turn, the development has as target the perfectioning of on elements to the career, the professional education (formal, graduation, after-graduation) and to on aspects to the personal growth. Under the point of view of France (2010), ' ' the training cannot be seen by the company as a series of courses and events.

The expectation of the company is that the training can, identified with its objectives, to contribute for better qualification of the employees, being aimed at an increase of moral, efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and improvement of the environment of work and proper empresa' '. Tachizawa, Blacksmith and Richness (2001) affirm that one training program must pass for 4 stages of elaboration: diagnosis of the training necessities; programming of training to take care of to the diagnosised necessities; implementation and execution; evaluation of the results. 2. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN the PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Amaral (2006) affirm that the government nor always has the conscience of the strategical paper knowing of them and knowledge of its servers for the success of the governmental politics. On the basis of disgnostic maken a mistake, as the ones that we saw in the recent years in Brazil, where if atribua to the public office the cause of the public indebtedness and I the rendering of services, governing delay the proper construction of the nation. The regular investment in the pictures of the public administration did not reduce the government capacity. The organizations, better to direct the educative actions, must elaborate a Model of Education, or Educational, guiding how much to the values and the mission and to determine which the basic lines of direction that will go to lead the actions of the processes of T & D inside of the current context and future scenes.