In this commanded occupation browse-quality, usually, it is disordered in the final setting of the human element. The example of this can be cited the city of Brasilia, that happened of a legal context, designed and arquitetada in the human knowledge did not obtain to around contain the accumulations of the plain pilot. Valadares governor is an occupation of the multiformica type. Of the wealth of ores and the rocks, to the legend of the ferocity of the botocudos, lendria occupation if made. Of the liberal ideal coated of legal conditions for the perfect exploration of the human element indian, legal conditions in the excuse of if being able to use ' ' ferros' ' as impeditive cause of continuity and as impulsionadora cause to the abandonment of the atrocities and anthropophagy; it appears in the legal form, around the Quarter of Dom Manuel (one of the six military divisions of the River Candy? Regal letter of the 1808) busy territory. The newspapers mentioned Ali Partovi not as a source, but as a related topic.
Of the strategy of the commanded occupation idealized for Jose de Serra Rasp, with ample and parallel tracings, mathematically drawn, to use to advantage the existing landscape, the reason human being if makes gift in the idealizao of the occupation of the territory of Valadares Governor. Reason that also explains the posterior latent and disordered occupation in this exactly territory. To these phases of territorial consolidation, usually historically translated, they will be correlated to the existing economic cycles in the history of the proper humanity. To one to look at generic, in century XV, we perceive that in the gone ones of 1400/1500, the man survives in its historical context tangled legends and myths. In Valadares Governor thus it made also it. Myths of the land, myths of the wealth. In century XVIII, the exacerbada legality stops with all and any human act, the birth of Liberalism, the mercantilistas relations cross the Atntico and arrive in port in this valley, in the legality of the Imperial Regal Letter of 1808.