To improve the quality of the attendance the population adicta; to subsidize implementation of preventive politics. The present revision has as objective assistant the teams of the ESF in the possible existing expressive difficulties in day-by-day of these professionals who act in the primary attention, how much to the handling of the chemical dependent customers of crack, in practise habitual of the unit of health. Such difficulties can be pautadas the distinct factors, beyond the educational formation and the complexity of the proper subject, its social representation (to the negative times) of the dependents. Not having intention to deplete the subject, the present inquiry if considers to reach the following objectives: Disgnostic selection for use of instruments of easy application and criteria, in the boarding to the dependent customers of crack; to recognize the necessity of attendance of the psychoactive substance users in service not specialized as half of desestigmatizao; Attendance in adjusted way, in the level of the primary attention to the Health the using or carrying customers of upheavals related to the consumption of crack. To analyze the actions developed for the professionals of the Basic Attention of Health in the boarding to the dependent of crack, detecting the preliminary activities of identification developed by these professionals in the attendance of these users, as well as the strategies of basic cares of medicine and nursing applied they. This study if it shows pertinent due to problematic brought for the dependence of crack, being this so harmful to the society how much to the individual and its family, and the paper of the professionals of the Basic Attention of Health is not on only to the treatment of users of crack and its respective illness, but also possesss a character of preventive education, information and social and familiar reverse speed-introduction; that is, the use of the communitarian therapy (TC) in the prevention of use of drugs and to identify to the attitudes of the professionals of the units of Health of the Family front to the use of crack for customers and the dependence chemistry of these.