uptime invited to the IT revolution, the IT system House uptime systems office furniture to an information event with practical and forward-looking topics invited on November 19 with Blaha. Especially in economically difficult times require careful planning and consideration in relation to a company’s future investment. An efficient infrastructure in coordination with a functional office equipment is regarded as guaranteeing innovation and growth in any economic situation. That was the message from uptime system solutions and BLAHA, who have put together a varied program on the legs. A highlight the Panel discussion with DI Hansjorg Tengg, GF Smarttech, Alfred Harl, CMC was undisputed Chairman WKo Association UBIT, Eng. Ronald Tremmel, GF, GF Apple Austria, Dr. Wolfgang Haider Girardoni Hartig & partners, as well as the hosts like. “Nikolaus Kimla, author the IT revolution”, GF like uptime system solutions and ing.
Friedrich Blaha, GF Blaha BuromoNbel. In the discussion, moderated by Josef Broukal, warned Mag. Nikolaus Kimla the numerous published by guests: to invest in the IT infrastructure in a company at the same time competitive means to remain efficient and effective. Even in economically difficult times, investment in this area is essential, otherwise, high losses threaten the company.” ING Mag. Friedrich Blaha stressed the economic importance of coordinated holistic solutions: the Buroarbeitsplaze and infrastructure divisions are tools for each employee. An investment in the optimization of them is an investment in the future of the company.” “The realization of this idea requires according to Alfred Harl, CMC, Chairman of Chamber Association UBIT of a change: IT must be tangible and she must be lived by the corporate governance and used.” DI Hansjorg Tengg, GF Smarttech, provides the solution for the increased use of ITPotenziale in the simplicity of the application and operation of the devices. Ronald Tremmel, GF Apple Austria, could agree ing.
only with the iPhone in my pocket. Like finally stressed. Nikolaus Kimla that involves not only that IT works”, but that today, significant potential for growth and competitive advantage through the strategic use of IT solutions wait more than ever before on all sectors of the economy. Our task is appropriate and tailor-made solutions to find and implement them step by step.” Enjoyment and pleasure for all the senses distinguished the event due to the varied program, which addressed all the senses of the guest. Gerhard Zadrobilek, ex-professional cyclist, coach and business coach, gave a keynote speech titled What do winners differently”and spoke in particular about the parallels between sport, business and private life and to what extent personal initiative and personal responsibility can serve as a way out of crises. The program was underscored during the day presentation booths and lectures numerous computing and software providers. In the evening, the event took a leisurely end at wine tasting, culinary delights, Art and music. About uptime systemlosungen GmbH: Uptime systemlosungen GmbH is one of the leading Austrian IT-system and software houses. Since 1994, uptime successful companies at the strategic and operational management of IT accompanied: the IT strategy through to implementation. From the traditional services of a system House for Apple, Linux and Windows, customized software solution, up to powerful E-business solutions. Web link: image description (from left to right): May. Ing. Friedrich Blaha, GF Blaha BU? romobel, DI Hansjorg Tengg, GF Smarttech, Josef Broukal, Mag.