Most of the known methods require the simulation of CP possession fine surgical technique and difficult to implement in small animals. At the Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry, number 1 have developed a method of modeling CPs based on the joint use of two destructive agents – Triton X-100 and ethanol. Introduction to the pancreas (RV) Triton X-100, depending on the dose leads to the development of acute pancreatitis of varying severity – from infiltrative to gangrenous. The pathological process in this case is allowed in terms of up to 1 month, or a defect in recovery or death. When injected into the pancreas of experimental animals Triton X-100 followed by drinking water solution of ethanol develops following the morphological picture. Macroscopically, the pancreas increased slightly in size, anemic, uniformly dense, elastic consistency.
In all parts of the gland is diffusely growing light gray fibrous connective tissue with preservation of image slices and hardening of the fibrous capsule. Diffuse proliferation of connective tissue leads to a gradual disruption trophic acini and two destructive agents (Triton X-100 and ethanol) can not play a pathological process in the pancreas, close to their morphological features a picture of HP, which can be used for detailed study of the pathogenesis of this diagnosis of pancreatitis. Of course, in the first place stands a urine test for amylase content. It should be noted that the degree of pancreatitis can not be placed only on the severity of pain. In most cases, it does not meet ravzitiya stage of the process. Pancreatitis