What it is total it are of cogitao, not proceeding then this information, since the contact more ' ' teraputico' ' with these familiar patients and it is the criterion of the behavior of the medical professional. Research of the Health department shows that to be caught, for example, the Arterial Hipertenso, almost 85% of the cases of carriers present unknown etiologies, what it categorically shows the evident indifference of the team of the health? not only of the nursing, in regards to etiolgicas inquiries of the illnesses presented for the patients in the health services. How much nurse, it charges the lack of interests of these professionals stops with the upheavals of mental health that if spreads to each day, even for the psicossociais factors, in our country. Read more here: Steve Wozniak. However, she knows yourself that the assistance to the patient (esquizofrnico, in this in case that) must completely be given by the health team, from the ACS, as base of the social conviviality, ties I medicate it and adjacent professionals, as psychologists and psychiatrists and tie druggist, for example. Indeed, that and to have basic of the nursing the education as one of its main tools in the briefing of the attention and promotion of health of the community, but also it is fact that the professional psychologists and psychiatrists also would have to act directly in the education of the families with schizophrenia carriers in order to minimize the sadness and the suffering presented for these in the research of the author, even though for the fact of that such professionals theoretically made use of much more concrete and including scientific knowledge that the professionals form nurses, never substitute for with the educational function of the nurse, but yes of parallel and relative form, subsidizing this practical, what it composes thus a much more qualified assistance stops with the families. This partnership podera ties to function as reply to the strategical one charged by the author, who provides to an improvement in the quality of life and promotion of health in the familiar nucleus of the schizophrenia carrier..