TERCUD core business are developed by their main research groups, including geography of the identities and Development, Geography and Development identities and Sociomuseologia, composed of members of the School of Architecture, Design Urban Geography and Art at the University of Portuguese speakers. Complementary activities, as well as those that are of strategic importance in achieving the objectives are achieved by TERCUD associated research groups, such as natural and technological hazards and Architecture Laboratory (Labarta), which are open to teachers of other Schools and Schools of the ULHT.TERCUD main activities are the design and implementation of projects of national and international research and production of publications as the Journal of Sociomuseologia in the city, and Journal of Architecture and Lusophone Education, evaluated and integrated into international networks of scientific journals as BiblioSHS LATINDEX, books and other documents. In addition, the TERCUD organizes scientific conferences, such as PECSRL GeoForum 2008 and other events. It also promotes the integration of students through the program introduction to research, organize study tours to national and international level with students of Geography and Planning, participate in the cooperation and partnerships with organizations, national and international networks and companies and the provision of specialized civil society.The Core Group Research Geography identities and Development focuses on: applied research and focused on territorial identity as a resource for development, development and application of models and tools for participatory development planning in different natural and social cooperation and collaboration in international research projects and publications in the fields of Geography and Development Studies.The core develops Sociourbanism Research Group and Regional Planning: research on the urban reality in Portugal and elsewhere, about the practice of higher education and urban planning, dissemination and technical assistance in Portugal in collaboration with the IBAMA – Brazilian Institute of Municipal Administration and the Habitat Agenda – Best practices, cooperation and collaboration in international research, publications and projects in higher education for the Study of Urban Development.The Core Research Group Sociomuseologia dedicated to: research and provision of services to public and private entities in the field of museum planning and development of local publishing / regional Sociomuseologia Notebooks, original publication in Portuguese, devoted to museum studies, produced in cooperation with Brazilian researchers, association with minomees – International Movement for a New Museology, integrated into the ICOM – International Council of Museums, UNESCO. The Associates Group of Natural Hazards Research and Technology is devoted to spatial analysis and identification of elements at risk (population, infrastructure, natural and cultural heritage), the application of geographical information systems for preventing and managing emergencies, and human resource development in the areas of Civil Protection and Regional Development and Local.Laboratory Technician Group study of architecture (Labarta) is dedicated to the conceptualization, theoretical diffusion and application of architectural research, emphasizing the application of complementary skills in designing architecture and design, and research in the discipline specific architecture.