In just a couple of hours my life had gone adrift. -Don’t worry about added my boss-. We will give you compensation economic, and personally, I make this small gift, I hope you like, it is the latest in technology. I opened the package. It could not be.
A bathroom scale. Hit with she my boss throwing him unconscious on his desk. I left terrified of his Office. Once in the street I thought that he could not flee in my car, my boss me denunciaria as soon as you restoration knowledge and they would seek. It should be get another vehicle, so I went to a dealer. Once there I bought a small car, but fast and little striking.
I paid with my credit card entry. That would give me time to flee although police would discover the purchase. When I was preparing to leave with my new car dealer, the seller told me:-we have a special offer this month, make a gift by the purchase of a new car.Instantly it appears incredibly with a bathroom scale. Something exploded in my interior. I acelere trample the seller leaving him injured, and vows the huge glass that gave the outside giving me the leak. I acelere to panic, almost crazed dam Fund. In my hectic career I jumped me a semaphore and to avoid hitting a pedestrian who appeared ahead, di a volantazo that caused me empotrara in an appliance store. I traversed the showcase sweeping the shop and my car stopped. Something had pierced the windshield hitting my head. I couldn’t believe it, it was one bathroom scale. The police appeared shortly after. I had a trial and I declared destabilized emotionally, or crazy tie. Since he had not caused serious human damage, fortunately even to run seller, one minor in a psychiatric sanatorium sentence imposed me. The psychiatrist dealing with my case is a good man, has convinced me that there is no conspiracy with the bathroom scales, everything is in my head. Now working in a workshop with other patients. Like me, I am happy working, I feel useful to society, again integrated in it. We manufacture bathroom scales.