Pablo Freire

Inside of the context of the education for young adult, that emerges today as one of the significant questions of the educational process defies the young to produce knowledge and to create new practical strategical, practical of action, therefore the educator will have that to construct new to know next to these pupils, directed for the teach-learning of adults. The study guideline in the thought of Pablo Freire, respecting history, the desires and dreams of the citizens, considering the questions of sort and generation, the sociocultural and regional diversity of the involved organizations. It associates education of young and adults to the professional formation, taking care of demand you specify of the workers, including the necessity of insertion in the work market. Thus, the EJA although all the interferences, either social, economic, politics, cultural and educational, is entering in one serves as apprentice of transistion, leaving one-step where the modality counts only on the use of cartilhas and the individual effort of the professionals of the area, leaving for a stage of study and reflection for future changes, being based on the material supplied for the MEC. All theory on EJA, that perpassa decades and decades still continues in utopian plans, although is concluded that the educators of this modality to have this based knowledge and speeches theoretically. The impediment for coherent educative practical one with the social and cultural reality of its educandos is the lack of support of financial and institucional matrix, such as: the lack of specific material the support due of the public politics and the improper collection of the direction of the institutions with EJA programs. From these conclusions, have in sight also some consideraes in the direction to recommend that regular courses of qualification for the operating professionals in the classrooms of the EJA are made, so that the same ones can reflect on its practical and to create strategies to modify this practical descontextualizada.

National Polytechnic Institute

I had studied music at the INBA and that was really difficult, but I could understand, could read the score and run my guitar only needed to work hard to master the technique and reading, but I felt I could do and it was, then enter the National Polytechnic Institute to study Marketing and International Trade and it was really difficult but I passed subjects like applied mathematics, statistics, administration but is English? Of course that would put flunked. Not only was impossible for me now as an obstacle to finish my races, if I had already tried schools, teachers and all that could be all that remains is my last resort suicide, no, not true.

My last resort was to try another approach another way to learn. If my own mind trying some explanations why not listen to her, if I said that to learn something I have to understand and process to lock it up in my subconscious, it was time to intervene in the matter and solve the problem myself it first had to take stock of what I need to learn to communicate in English: First, understand that the English language is radically different to Spanish, Spanish is phonetic and not English, or that Spanish is pronounced as is written and not English, hence the first rule is clear: so far could say that 97% of English words are pronounced differently than they are written.

Movie Maker

Simply it consists of which you speak and expresses to you of natural way since it beams habitually, treating the subject that you have chosen for this aim. Chema, and all those that we followed to him we had ours first time, and we watched, we are here, gaining outstanding positions, presenting to us to those who are interested in our products or services of more personal way and eliminating that " frio" that it has a simple page Web, a mail or an article. But the best thing of everything is that we transmit confidence and credibility, and creme that in the businesses in Internet is fundamental. When the boom of Internet in the middle of the 90 began, there was a phrase that &quot said; If you do not have page Web not existes". Nowadays one is changing by this other.

" If nonbeams videos in Internet not existes". As far as the technical part, as it comments previously is not necessary to be a professional of the recording and edition. At present all the computers bring integrated in their operating system a small edition program, in case of the Windows the Movie Maker, or the Ilife 09 for Mac. Both very simple to use, with aid in Spanish and sufficient to introduce us in Marketing with Videos in Internet. Even during the last trimester of year 2009, Youtube, the platform of videos in Internet par excellence, has added the functionality to be able to title your creations without needing additional software. Another point important to consider for the accomplishment of Marketing in Internet is the optimization of all the work so that this he is effective. If we realised a familiar video, homemade, for the known friendly and it is possible that about equal like the personalices, but when you deal with which this video has a hearing makes specific and you want that it is seen by the greater number of people you must consider certain details like the title, description, key words, tools that to you among others the work of distribution of your videos facilitates. You can obtain more data to start up your promotion through videos through following connection: Marketing With Videos original Author and source of the article

Interdisciplinary Subjects

Ahead of the globalization and its challenges the manifest modern man the necessity to breach with the traditional models of education. The interdisciplinaridade associated with the medias since printed until the ones of last generation considers a form to especially tie the theory with practical so that if it can evolve and leave this marasmo where if it finds the education, the Brazilian education that to each day, no matter how hard the government propagates that it is investing to millions and millions, the results are always on this side of the waited one and thus although the scientific and technological advance that the globalization presents the education does not obtain to transpose some barriers and to reach what if it waits of the school and its Reals functions that they are to transform the individual half and where it is inserted. The interdisciplinaridade resurged in the end of the century passed from the necessity to justify the spalling caused for a epistemologia of positivista matrix. I say it resurged because at the beginning of the process of development in Greece, cradle of the civilization of the humanity, the knowledge was not fragmented, was integral, did not have this division between the diverse ones to know, all age Philosophy, all the knowledge was unified, with passing of the times and the evolution human being the knowledge if it broke up. There sciences had been divided in many discipline appeared in this context the diverse specialties and the figure of the specialist. alone to some time the interdisciplinaridade reappears reestablishing at least, a dialogue enters the diverse areas of the knowledge with the purpose to restrain the education based on the traditionalism. By the way of this commentary previously detached, it is convenient to emphasize that the practical interdisciplinaridade while in the Brazilian schools appeared with the introduction of the work projects and as a form to tie the theory with practical and the purpose of to introduce a new way ‘ ‘ of making of the professor and aluno’ ‘ in which the process of reflection and interpretation on this to make allows to go becoming significant the relation between teaching and learning through the relation of a work to interdisciplinar where the relations between the information sources, the objectives, the procedures, the evaluation criteria are understood and used in the school to generate a series of changes in the organization of the educational projects to be developed in the pertaining to school context Taking as starting point some hypotheses is possible to work any subject, the challenge is in as to approach it with each group of pupils and in specifying what they can apprehend of each subject that if establishes in searchs of solutions for the existing problems in the reality of the pupils and in the context where they live and they act as pensantes human beings that can from a structure search solutions for each subject, each problem that it can be decided, from a structure that must be developed and that it can meet in other subjects or problems.

Educational Software

After all, which is the paper of softwares educational? The paper of softwares in the construction of the inclusive society the inclusive education is an ample term, more means the insertion of children with some neurological riots in the conventional education. Glet affirms that this modality of education meets wide steps for its full functioning, whose objective is the possibility of ingression and permanence of the pupils in the school successfully academic, but nor always happens this. The world is dived in the automatic information, but from form intrinsically related to this, the society excludes ones to the others, had to the competitive market. To think that the education is an instrumental way is to think about the cruel market of work, where the poor person in individualistic formation in the most diverse passages tends to think on education of obsolete form, thus the desestimulao and the failure pertaining to school are the result of the same. As Saints the admission of the inclusive society is considered as a dilatado procedure, and the technology is a tool facilitadora of this process, therefore the accessibility of the information to work in the perception, emotion and cognition approach a pragmatic stimulation on learning, in which, it allows in the pertaining to school scope to maximize the time and its potentialities and to improve the conditions of life of people with difficulties, being thus broken, barriers architectural that discourage and that it promotes the failure pertaining to school. Half term enters, according to Whitaker, Pinto and Veloso (2000) software has the possibility to promote the reasoning of the pupil, therefore it allows to work the information through procedures in the data processing. Therefore it stimulates the perception in the descrimination of the aim at-motor coordination, the cognition in the capacity of representation of the symbolic world and the emotion in the work of the error in construtivista way, thus raising auto-esteem.


GREEN TECHNOLOGY is green technology to save energy and recyclable equipment out new, there are several projects and organizations that tecnologia.Se several companies are joining these organizations. 1 .- ‘The Green Grid is an open invitation, nonprofit, for any company that wishes to participate. The Green Grid is an open international organization whose objectives are supported by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA, for its initials in English) and the Alliance to Save Energy. Members of The Green Grid seek to reduce energy use in data centers and other computing facilities by identifying and disseminating best practices for the operation of data centers, as well as to its construction and design. AMD, HP, Sun and IBM join forces to carry out an interesting initiative to reduce the consumption of this resource, as well as the cooling requirements in data centers of enterprises. “For over 10 years, HP has sought solutions to the power and cooling needs of consumers,” said Paul Perez, vice president, Storage, Networking and Infrastructure Standards Server Division, HP.