Herbal home remedies as effective alternative even though the cough is annoying and often occurs as a side effect of a cold, he has an important task: he is part of the physical defense mechanism and freed from the phlegm lungs and bronchi. Often, he must not necessarily be treated with pharmaceutical drugs. Rather the decision for tried and tested home remedies to fight a cough is worth. The news portal news.de informed about effective medicinal plants and gives useful advice. The cough itself is not considered a standalone disease in the world, but rather is a symptom of many diseases. Normally it disappears after a short time by alone and can be cured by the interested parties themselves. To deepen your understanding Page Gardner is the source. The patient is suffering after three to four weeks of coughing, a drug treatment is however essential. Read additional details here: Gary J Sagiv.
Finally, much more serious diseases such as lung cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia or pulmonary embolism may be the cause. Effective remedy for dry tickly cough are for example, Marshmallow – or Mallow tea. These teas alleviate irritations and gently affect the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, as well as in the stomach. Leaves, flowers and roots of plants must be used in the preparation. In addition to the above types of tea, the news.de editorial on health recommends also anise, fennel, Primrose – or licorice root as well as thyme and Ivy. It extracts in the form of lozenges, syrup, juice drops are cheaper because its dosage is significantly higher. Caution is advised in the separate treatment of infants and young children, because they are much more sensitive. More information: health /… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59